Page 1 - Huntwick Herald OCT 2020
P. 1

October 2020

        Volume 275                               The Official Publication of the Huntwick Civic Association, Inc.

                                         PRESIDENT’S CORNER

        Step aside, 2020! Not even you can ruin   •  In the beginning:               Santa in economics. Halloween is
        the first Halloween to fall on a Saturday   Halloween started as a pre-Christian   second only to Christmas as the largest
        since 2015. You read that correctly: For   Celtic festival called Samhain (which   commercial holiday in the country.
        the first time since 2015, all you ghouls,   means “summer’s end”), held around   We spend about $9 billion on Halloween
        big and small, can get back to celebrating   the first of November. Samhain   every year.
        Halloween to the fullest without fear of   celebrated the final day of harvest   •  The Nightmare Before Christmas II:
        what school or work will bring the next   and the crossing of spirits to the other   If you haven’t seen this movie, do
        day. Time to live it up!                world. People in Ireland, the United   yourself a favor and watch it. This
                                                Kingdom, and Northern France would
        Halloween in Huntwick is special. Always                                     animated film follows our lovable hero
        has been. Our unique neighborhood and   hide from ghosts traveling between   Jack Skellington (a skeleton) as he
        community-first attitude has always     worlds by wearing costumes.          kidnaps Santa Claus. I’m not kidding.
        created the perfect environment for little   •  The potato famine:           Once you watch the movie, you too
        monsters, ghosts, goblins, and princesses   When the potato famine forced the   will be frustrated in your efforts to
        to run amuck collecting as much candy as   Irish to flee their country in the 1840s,   categorize it as a Halloween movie or a
        possible. Every October 31, as dusk creeps   they brought their Halloween traditions   Christmas movie. Your frustrations will
        across the sky, I can still feel the excited   with them. Some people believe it is the   eventually lead you to wonder whether
        anticipation of seeing my crew in their   Irish who gave us the jack-o’-lantern.   you should watch The Nightmare Before
        costumes and canvasing the streets for   As the story goes, an Irish man named   Christmas in October or December.
        the best candy. Among Chris Pine,       Stingy Jack tricked the devil and    The only clear answer is neither.
        Mike Rigo, Jon Topolski, Norbert Chang,   therefore was not allowed into heaven   The only acceptable day to watch
        Paul Thomas, Jose Sagbini, and I, we had   or hell. Instead, he spent his days   this movie is November 1. Also, if you
        the entire neighborhood covered. The    roaming the Earth, carrying a lantern,   think The Nightmare Before Christmas
        night wouldn’t end until diabetic shock set   and going by “Jack of the Lantern.”  is a Christmas movie, you are wrong.
        in or we found the holy grail of Halloween   •  The greatest generation:    •  From the Irish to the Illini:
        treats: The house with full-size candy   Sugar rationing during WWII put     Illinois produces up to five times more
        bars. Our adventures were not without an   a stop to trick-or-treating. After   pumpkins than any other state. Illinois
        element of danger and intrigue. Older   the rationing ended, the Halloween   farms typically grow more than 500
        siblings and their candy-taxing sticky   tradition grew into what we’re familiar   million pounds of pumpkins annually.
        fingers lurked in every shadow and      with today, including mass marketing   •  Government mischief:
        behind every well-manicured shrub.      campaigns by candy companies.        In Alabama, it is illegal to dress up
        Good times.                           •  The Nightmare Before Christmas:     as a priest. In Hollywood, California,
                                                Ol’ Jack Skellington isn’t just chasing   the sale, possession, or distribution of
        As you all may have guessed by now,     Santa in Tim Burton’s frustrating 1993   silly string is banned on Halloween.
        I’m a sucker for a good history lesson.   holiday classic The Nightmare Before   In Belleville, Missouri, and Boonsboro,
        So, sit back and let’s dig into some    Christmas. (Is it a Halloween movie or   Maryland, anyone over the age of 12
        Halloween trivia:                       a Christmas movie?) Jack also trails   is barred from trick-or-treating.

                                                                                                     continued on page 5
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