Page 6 - Huntwick Herald OCT 2020
P. 6

•  Lower your risk for sunburn and skin cancer. Wear long
                                                                    sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, sunshades, and sunscreen with
                                                                    sun protective factor (SPF) 15 or higher.
                                                                  •  Put safety first – Powered and unpowered tools and
                                                                    equipment can cause serious injury. Limit distractions, use
                                                                    chemicals and equipment properly, and be aware of hazards
                                                                    to lower your risk for injury.
                                                                  •  Follow instructions and warning labels on chemicals and
                                                                    lawn and garden equipment.
                                                                  •  Make sure equipment is working properly.
                                                                  •  Keep harmful chemicals, tools, and equipment out of
        New Huntwick Homeowner                                      children’s reach.
        Dear Garden Fairy,                                        •  Know your limits in the heat – Even being out for short
                                                                    periods of time in high temperatures can cause serious health
        I am new to Huntwick and new to home ownership. I have      problems. Monitor your activities and time in the sun to
        noticed so many lovely homes and yards in our neighborhood.    lower your risk for heat-related illness.
        I would like to start to spruce up my lawn and flowerbeds, but
        don’t know where to begin. Can you help? ~ Your new neighbor!  •  If you’re outside in hot weather for most of the day you’ll
                                                                    need to make an effort to drink more fluids, especially water.
        Well, as they say in these parts... Howdy neighbor and welcome!  Avoid drinking liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts
        Taking care of your lawn and garden is a great way to meet new   of sugar, especially in the heat.
        neighbors, enjoy the outdoors, and get in some exercise all at   •  Take breaks often. Try to rest in shaded areas so that your
        the same time. The first place to start preparing for your new   body’s thermostat will have a chance to recover. Stop
        adventure may take you a little by surprise... and that is safety.   working if you experience breathlessness or muscle soreness.
        Yes, keeping you, your loved ones, and your neighbors’ safe   •  Pay attention to signs of heat-related illness, including
        when you are working outside is top priority. Even before you    extremely high body temperature, headache, rapid pulse,
        go to the garden center check out these safety tips, compliments   dizziness, nausea, confusion, or unconsciousness.
        of the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):
                                                                  •  Watch people who are at higher risk for heat-related illness,
        •  Dress to protect – Gear up to protect yourself from lawn   including infants and children up to four years of age; people
          and garden pests, harmful chemicals, sharp or motorized   65 years of age or older; people who are overweight; people
          equipment, insects, and harmful rays of too much sun.     who push themselves too hard during work or exercise; and
        •  Wear safety goggles, sturdy shoes, and long pants to prevent   people who are physically ill or who take certain medications
          injury when using power tools and equipment.              (i.e. for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation).
        •  Wear gloves to lower the risk for skin irritations, cuts, and   •  Eat healthy foods to help keep you energized.
          certain contaminants.
                                                                  You have made one of the best choices by moving to Huntwick.
        •  Use insect repellent containing DEET. Protect yourself from   Welcome to the gem of the northwest!
          diseases caused by mosquitoes and ticks. Wear long-sleeved
          shirts, and pants tucked in your socks. You may also want to                Yours truly,
          wear high rubber boots since ticks are usually located close            The Garden Fairy
          to the ground.                                               Maintaining your yard and home
                                                                      takes a lot of hard work and a little
                                                                     magic! If you have any questions for
                                                                   the Garden Fairy, please email them to

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