Page 3 - Huntwick Herald OCT 2020
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and support the local businesses that YARD OF THE MONTH
support your community newsletter.
Better Homes & Gardens David and Beth Burckhartt | 5211 Royal Walk
Pam Hughes | 713-725-1213
Stephanie Martens | 713-922-8529
Gas Product Services
Home PC Help | 832-563-9080
Houston Methodist
Willowbrook Hospital
Kitten House Rescue
Jeff’s Topcare Pharmacy
Ray Blackburns
281-893-5101 Congratulations!
Sprinko Landscape
VCA Prestonwood Animal Hospital
Wired Electrical Services October’s Yard of the Month goes to David and Beth Burckhartt at 5211 Royal Walk.
Congratulations! Their landscaping looks so fresh, lush, and healthy; you’d never know
that it is nearing the end of a Houston summer. A few years ago, due to storms and
drought, they lost several large oak trees. In recovery mode, they planted new trees
and made changes to their landscaping to accommodate a sunnier yard. While Beth
landscaped with rocks across the front of the house and around their new tree, David
replaced most of the plants except for the ligustrums and boxwoods. They added a wider
variety of plants than they had before, including the use of colorful or variegated plants,
such as ruby lorapetalum, variegated pittosporum and liriope. The Burckhartts also
designed a spot for annual flowers, such as their periwinkles, and added low-growing
creeping juniper that gracefully slopes towards the grass. Most recently, David installed
outdoor lighting, which uplights the trees, spotlights the house, and downlights the bed
For information on this and other across the front of the house. Not only does the lighting show off their lovely home, it
neighborhood publications,
please call 281.583.7661 offers improved security.
Thank you, David and Beth, for your hard work and keeping Huntwick beautiful.
We’re impressed!
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Huntwick Herald October 2020 3