Page 5 - Huntwick Herald OCT 2020
P. 5
President’s Corner - continued Please Note: Law enforcement
agencies advise that publishing
In Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, trick-or-treating is illegal on Sundays. In the country of
Jordan, Halloween and its celebrations are illegal. children’s contact information on the
Internet compromises their security.
• “Bad Moon Rising”: In 1969, Creedence Clearwater Revival predicted 2020, singing: For this reason, the youth services
“I see the bad moon a-rising list has been omitted from the online
I see trouble on the way version of your newsletter.
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today”
Halloween 2020 will be marked by the first October 31 full moon since 2001. In fact,
the 21st century is expected to only see six Halloween full moons: 2001, 2020, 2039,
2058, 2077 and 2096.
As scary as a full moon 2020 Halloween may be, it’s even scarier to miss important
neighborhood information from your Huntwick Civic Association. Each month,
important information is distributed by your HCA to residents through email blasts that
you can only receive if you sign up. To do so, please visit
newssignup or contact your HCA Web Director, Kelly Kennepp, at webdirector@ You will find the entire sign-up process will take less time than
it took to get to this point in the article.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss the neighborhood,
and have a
Brad Aiken, President
832-293-1105 •
Ladies of Huntwick: We hope everyone is well. The Huntwick Women’s Club will not meet
in September. We hope to resume activities in the New Year. Watch future issues of the
Huntwick Herald for announcements. Until we can meet again, stay in touch and be safe.
Jan Freeman, Publicity
Huntwick Herald October 2020 5