Page 4 - Huntwick Herald OCT 2020
P. 4

               CIVIC ASSOCIATION
                                              All Decked Out!
                Board Of Directors
                    PRESIDENT                 There is still time to upgrade your deck/patio that is budget-friendly, simple to install,
               Brad Aiken  |  832-293-1105    and able to transform a deck/patio into a classy outdoor area. You may not be convinced
                                              that a restorative painting project is the right answer for your backyard environment.
                  VICE PRESIDENT              However, snap-together or interlocking square patio tiles are a perfect flooring solution
              Scott Torres  |  210-386-7443
    to update your outdoor space. An appealing and beautiful deck/patio will add enjoyment
                                              and value to your home.
              Jeff Handojo  |  281-686-5085   This is definitely a do-it-yourself activity that can be easily accomplished without
                                              professional contractors. The tiles are interlocking square-foot pieces with grooved
                    SECRETARY                 edges. They are sold as single tiles or in sets. Thus, all that is needed for you to do is line
            Maribeth Sklenka  |  832-746-6307
        up the corresponding tabs then press down and lock into place.
                 DEED RESTRICTIONS            There are a variety of décor material options from which to choose and of course pricing
              Van English  |  972-795-4257    tends to increase depending on the type of tile. Yet a standard-size patio should cost
                                              from $350 upwards to $1,700 depending on the choice of tile. For example, composite
               SECURITY COORDINATOR           tiles may be $2.50 per square foot whereas quality wood tile is about $11.75 per square
              Carl Shannon  |  713-437-9994
  foot. Just to give an idea of the snap-together flooring options they range from 100%
                                              recyclables, foam, vinyl, carpet, wood, and stone. Additionally, this means there is a
                 SECURITY DIRECTOR
              Carl Shannon  |  562-714-6845   wide variety of colors and textures.
                                              Check out your favorite supplier or the Internet for ideas. The track record of reliability
             MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES        seems to hold up over time too. The key installation technique to remember is to start
             Blythe Palamara  |  936-203-2361
       with a flat even surface. This is a must. Upgrade your outdoor space and enjoy!
                  BEAUTIFICATION                                                      Denise Balkum, Beautification Committee
              Laura Holder  |  281-413-1216
                                                                                  Tip of the Month:
            John Crookshanks  |  903-705-1852                                     Light Up the Holidays
                                                                                  with Huntwick Luminaries
              Scott Torres  |  210-386-7443
                                       Gaslights, majestic trees, seasonal
                                                                                  decorations... so many traditions in
                 WEBSITE DIRECTOR
             Kelly Kennepp  |  501-358-2672                                       Huntwick. Possibly our most beloved
                                          tradition is our Christmas Eve luminarias
                                                                                  or sand candles. For our many new
                                                                                  residents, these are brown paper bags
                                                                                  holding a scoop of sand and a white votive
                                                                                  candle. They are placed along the curb and
                                                                                  any other area desired to be outlined. At
                                                                                  sundown on December 24, the votives are
                                              all lit. The effect is magical... miles and miles of these softly flickering lights that last for
                                              hours. It is truly a sight when every resident participates. The HOA provides the sand;
                                              your block captain will contact you regarding how many bags and votives you want to
                                              order at a nominal price. If you’re not going to be here on Christmas Eve, please arrange
               Architectural Control          to have your luminarias set out and lit by someone else: A neighbor, a high schooler, or
                   Committee                  a relative. After lighting, this is a wonderful opportunity to stroll around, meet and chat
               Sarah Moss, 281-795-1812       with neighbors, and share a cup of wassail or a glass of wine. Start planning now for
            Lynnette Gronewold, 832-229-8795   this simple but gorgeous treat for you and your home. If you have any questions, please
               Van English, 972-795-4257
                                              contact your block captain or the Huntwick Membership/Events Director.
           Approval Request forms are available
                      online at                                                          Peg Owen, Beautification Committee

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