Page 48 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 48

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                          A significant proportion of teenagers in highly
                          conflictual families, however, do not
                          realistically differentiate the  strengths and
                          vulnerabilities of each of their  disputing
                          parents. Instead, the young person appears to
                          be caught  up in  the interparental war and
                          views one parent as the all good and perfect
                          parent and the other as having no redeemable
                          features. Their view of themselves is similarly
                          polarized in that when joined with the “good”
                          parent in the “holy crusade” against the “bad”
                          parent, they are self-righteous and intolerant.
                          p. 167 Johnston et. al 2009

                   With the continued cognitive development, the older
                   teen may be more capable of making use of an outside
                   family helper such as  a  counselor to assist in
                   perspective taking and development of greater levels
                   of differentiation.

                   Considerations when Meeting with
                   Adolescents of Separation and Divorce
                   The first matter of consideration is that adolescents
                   are not adults. They are wise in many ways, they can
                   use their current and past experiences to draw on to
                   make meaning about their lives, and they can provide
                   opinions about how they would like their lives to
                   unfold. They have particular vulnerabilities, however,
                   that must be  acknowledged  and the vulnerabilities
                   relate both to personal makeup and to their parents’
                   abilities and stability.
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