Page 50 - Meeting with Children Book
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it would be important to consider the span of
increasing maturity. Although language is now a
primary mode of communication during this
developmental stage, consideration of other
expressive activities will be important based on
psychological defense mechanisms and the need to
take distance from uncomfortable circumstances and
feeling states.
Twelve to 13 year olds are dealing with emotional and
physical changes brought on by puberty. This period is
fraught by a lack of certainty, high levels of
moodiness, sensitivity and self-consciousness. The
young adolescent is often less clearly emotionally and
psychologically grounded than middle school aged
children because of hormonal changes and a need to
transfer primary relationship support from parents to
peers This affects self-expression especially when
offered no distancing strategies through which to
By 14 years, adolescents have adjusted to the impact
of puberty and they generally have fewer mood
swings and the focus is on self-capacities and
competencies and identifying what is really important
to them. The spotlight is further on “self” and less on
others. Impulsivity may increase during this age due
to the drive to seek more freedom from caregivers.
These factors can interfere with the youth’s interest in
being involved in providing feedback. They can also
impact the kind of information gathered when the
youth does want to be involved as they may be driven