Page 51 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   to provide their parents or third parties messages that
                   are inconsistent from one meeting to another.

                   At 15 years, adolescents are  really asserting their
                   independence  and increasing experimentation and
                   further testing limits. This age group becomes more
                   private and they are not likely to share as much with
                   parents.  Understanding  the youth’s increased need
                   for individuality and privacy is important when
                   meeting with 15 year olds as they may want to share
                   with a practitioner, but they may not provide approval
                   for the practitioner to share what they think or feel
                   with their parents and other third parties. They may
                   also not easily verbally share what is important to
                   them with a practitioner.

                   Sixteen year olds are more likely to feel,  act and
                   believe that  they know everything and  challenging
                   them or providing feedback  to this age group
                   becomes quite difficult. Life skills leading to greater
                   independence such as getting a driver’s license are a
                   major focus and task for this group. Responsibilities
                   increase and sexual and  emotional relationships
                   become more complex. Sixteen year olds may be
                   suspicious of particular questions or comments that
                   are suggestive of an adult agenda.
                   Psychological defenses for all of the above ages are
                   necessary, as adolescents are still working  out  who
                   they  are in relation to others  and forming  internal
                   working models and structures to  manage
                   interpersonal and psychological complexities and
                   conflicts about the self and others.  When conflict in
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