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www. Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey 33 CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT
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5 The Kitchen Garden
Further research into the planting is required. A complete survey (starting with a list) of
all plants currently in the gardens should be compiled and maintained. This may exist
already. This then needs to be cross-referenced with the original sources to identify
planting issues as per Recommendations section of this report (Planting Schemes).
See also Puzzle Areas.
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Jupp and Mc Erlan’s report notes. different terrains on which the garden have yet been found. The most garden is under cultivation, the rest in
has been laid out. North of the drive valuable source of information about under rough grass or is covered by a
the land slopes down from the north the garden is the 25 inch to a’ mile ‘dense growth of trees or bushes. Only
INTRODUCTION wall of the garden having a drop of scale, OS map which is based on a a few of the divisions shown on the
approximately 15m over this distance. survey carried out in 1898. This shows 1898 map are visible but clearance of
The kitchen garden occupies the west To the south of the drive the ground is the lay-out of the garden in great the garden and some sod removal
portion of the walled garden and relatively flat with a slight slope down detail when it was still in full should be sufficient to reveal them.
covers approximately 3 acres. A
winding stream separates it from the to the south west. production and any reconstruction Originally each had a functional
should be based on it: The garden was
significance for cultivation, some in a
flower garden from which it is entered A kitchen garden was a standard designed for the cultivation of produce crop rotation system while others
over 4 small bridges, 2 associated with feature of every large Victorian country
P1100663.JPG P1100664.JPG and this was its primary function in would have been used as permanent
the broad walk or drive, one on a path establishment and in its lay out and contrast to the essentially ornamental plots for certain plants. The use of
from the Garden house and the fourth use followed a relatively predictable and pleasure nature of the flower each plot can only be conjectured but
6n the perimeter path. It is entered pattern. This being so, there is little
from the exterior by the west gate at mention or information about the garden. Its lay-out reflects closely its from information from the
functional nature and it is divided by
organisation of other kitchen gardens
the end of the broad walk, and by 2 kitchen garden at Kylemore in the key paths and other divisions into much can be predicted.
doorways, now blocked up, one on the sources for the property. While the
north west and one on the middle of glasshouses and other features of the cultivation plots. As far as the uneven The aim of the survey is to define each
terrain permits these have been laid
the south wall. flower garden merit mention in out in a formal pattern with straight space shown on the 1898 map and
published articles, these sources are where possible document their
The garden is divided into 2 parts by silent about the kitchen garden. For paths and rectangular plots. probable use. They should all be
the central drive or broad walk. This
division also corresponds to the 2 similar reasons no early photographs Today only a small portion of the re-created in any restoration scheme.