Page 30 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT 30 Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey www.
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3 The Ornamental Garden
Further research into the planting is required. A complete survey (starting with a list) of
all plants currently in the gardens should be compiled and maintained. This may exist
already. This then needs to be cross-referenced with the original sources to identify
planting issues as per Recommendations section of this report (Planting Schemes)
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Jupp and Mc Erlan’s report notes. was looked down on from the main
vantage point in the garden on the
glasshouse terrace above. It has a
The full use of this sunny south facing cordyline and some other mature
slope for bedding is vividly shown on specimens of the original planting but
P1100621.JPG P1100625.JPG some of the Lawrence photographs. most of the slope is covered by an
The bedding layout was dominated by orchard plated in the 1950. Careful
a large circular or oval arrangement of clearance and strimming should help
beds cut into the grass and by a scroll to establish the bedding pattern.
border along the broad walk. To-day WEST FACING WALL BORDER this is
some of the original planting survives. inside of east wall
2 large Cupressus, a Cordyline and 2
Camelias probably represent mature The borders at the base of the walls
specimens of `the evergreens’ which are bounded by perimeter paths were
the 1872 article mentions as being particularly important in walled
interspersed among the ‘masses of gardens. Heat reflected from both the
flowers’. Later introductions are wall and gravel path made them warm
represented by an infestation of and sheltered. There is no
P1100628.JPG P1100629.JPG Gunnera. The area is covered by high photographic record of how this west
rough grass and no outline of the beds facing border was used apart from wall
are visible but a small part cleared fruit but it would have been cultivated.
beside the path at the top suggests As this was the flower garden it may
that with careful clearance much will have been bedded out.
come to light. A close strimming of the
grass cover should reveal the main SOUTH FACING BORDER this is inside of
south wall
This border would have been in shade
for a good part of the day. However the
A Lawrence photograph indicates that wall provided shelter. The Lawrence
this slope was similarly laid out in photograph shows it in cultivation
bedding. It was important visually as it
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