Page 27 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
P. 27
www. Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey 27 CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT
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The Boiler House, Stoker’s Bothy and Tunnel
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Jupp and Mc Erlan’s report notes. The Stoke Hole/Limekiln is situated at east vinery wall. The east wall of the The Tunnel was designed to give
the south east corner. It consists of a house has a relieving arch in brick. access to the grate at the bottom of
THE BOILER HOUSE AND THE STOKER’S brick built inverted cone shaped pit Beneath this some of the hot water the stoke hole where the lime, mixed
which is 2.15m [7ft] in diameter at floor pipes went through to the glasshouses. with ashes, was raked out. It was
These occupy a lean-to stone building level. It is full of debris but its depth Also against the east wall are steps up presumably shovelled into heaps which
against the external side of the east must be in the region of c. 3.30m [11ft] to a doorway through into the garden were periodically drawn away in carts.
wall of the garden. Like most boiler estimated from the depth of the in the space between the fernery and The tunnel is approached from a stone
houses it is at a lower level than the opening in the tunnel. All the heating east lean-to vinery. It was important to wall lined funnel-shaped entrance area
glasshouses it serves to facilitate the apparatus and plumbing has gone have easy access from the garden to which narrows to a passage 3.25m [loft
hot water circulation. In this case the although some pipes may be left the boiler house to stoke the fire and 6in] wide, 15.70m [ long with
floor of the boiler house is underneath the debris. The 1902 Sales check on it frequently. approximately on average
approximately 2.15m [7ft] below the Particulars state that this stoke hole The Stoker’s Bothy where the stoker [ ] below ground level. This opens into P1100590.JPG
floor level in the glass houses. The roof had ring and saddle boilers and that it would have stayed overnight to the tunnel through a brick archway.
of the building has gone completely served the double function of heating
but the walls are relatively intact. The water and producing lime by burning superintend the fine is adjoining. It is The tunnel has a brick vaulted roof
and is 6.25m [ ] long./ the floor is
presently generally ruinous and
external dimensions of the building are limestone with coal. It also mentions featureless except from the presence of approximately 3.30m [lift] beloW the
16.10m [5311] long by 4.5m [15ft tin] that there was a stove for burning
wide. It is divided into 2 rooms one charcoal in this boiler house. 2 cut off a corner fireplace with a small chimney ground leVel above. It terminates at
at the north west corner. It appears to
the west end in a brick built arched
comprising of the Boiler house and the pipes are visible in the south wall. A have had 2 doorways to the exterior. recess I.80m [6ft] high, 2.75 [9ft] wide
other the Stokers Bothy. The former brick flue goes across the south wall
measures internally 7.30m [24ft] long from the stokehole at an angle just One on the north wall and one on the and 1,70m [ ] deep, at the back of
which is the grate at the base of the
east and had one window.
by 4.10m [13ft 6in] wide. Its floor is full above the horizontal to join with the stoke hole in the Boiler house above.
of fallen masonry and general debris. square brick chimney stack located a THE TUNNEL
the south west corner abutting the