Page 24 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
P. 24

CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT                     24                                        Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey                          www.

                                                                                     vtls000336072_001.tif NLI photo of both Greenhouse to the LHS

                                                                                      Jupp and Mc Erlan’s report notes.   THE GREENHOUSE
                                                                                      THE TOMATO HOUSE                    `Span-roofed Greenhouse, about 26ft
                                                                                                                          long’ [1902, Sales Particulars]
                                                                                      `Span-roofed tomato house, about 26ft
                                                                                      long’ [1902 Sales Particulars]      This house measures externally 7.60m
                                                                                                                          [25ft] long by 4.90 [1611] wide. It was
                                                                                      This house has exactly the same     partially cleared of vegetation which
                                                                                      external dimensions as the greenhouse
                                                                                      however it differs from it internally as it   showed the floor to be intact and
            P1100485.JPG                                                                                                  composed of yellow sandstone flagging   P1100483.JPG
                                                                                      has a broad raised bed around the   as elsewhere. No evidence was found
                                                                                      walls - The bed is 0.50m [I ft 8in] high,   in the small part cleared of hot water
                                                                                      its side being formed by a brick wall.   pipes. Some staging remains around
                                                                                      On the 2 long walls it is 1.40m [411 7in]
                                                                                      wide while on the end wall it is 1.75m   the north and south sides. The main
            The Tomato House                                                          [5ft Sin] wide. The arrangement leaves   feature of the house is a large cast iron   The Greenhouse/Display House
                                                                                      a narrow central walkway 0.92m [c. 3ft]   tiered plant stand which occupies most
                                                                                      wide for access. A small water tank, not   of the interior of the house. It is ornate   The original metal display stand, the stone paving and the surrounding cast iron
            ..Like the Nectarine House the beds  are located around the walls with a central   certainly original, is located indoor to   and in relatively good condition. [See   shelves are partially intact.
                                                                                                                          photograph]. It stands 5ft 6 inches high
                 stone-flagged walkway.                                               the left of the entrance. The house was
                                                                                      only partially cleared and it was not   and is 5 ft wide and has 4 tiered   ..
                                                                                                                          stages. This is probably the house
                                                                                      established if it was provided with   referred to in the 1905 Gardeners
                                                                                      heating pipes. It is referred to in 1902
                                                                                      as follows:                         Chronicle as follows:
                                                                                                                          `A lofty span-roofed plant-house had
                                                                                      `A large tomato-house was furnishing   the central stages entirely filled with
                                                                                      an excellent crop. The variety Stirling   plants of a good strain of carefully-
                                                                                      Castle is chiefly grown for ordinary
                                                                                      purposes, but the Peach Tomato is   selected single and double Begonias,
                                                                                                                          whilst the side stages were entirely
                                                                                      largely used for desert’
                                                                                                                          occupied with Malmaison Carnations,
                                                                                                                          which looked the picture of health’.

                                                                                                                         IMG_6713.JPG                        P1100484.JPG
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