Page 22 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
P. 22
CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT 22 Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey www.
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The Nectarine House
The beds are bisected by a central walk. Some original cast iron pipes in evidence.
Jupp and Mc Erlan’s report notes.
`Span-Roofed Nectarine House, about
26ft long and plated with thriving trees’.
This house is densely overgrown and
was not cleared. It is of the same
external dimensions as the previous two.
It shares the same bedding arrangement
around the walls as the Tomato House.
In 1902 the variety of nectarines grown
are given as follows; ‘Milton, Downton
Improved, Stanwick, Elruge, Byron,
Violette Hative and Pine-apple’.