Page 12 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
P. 12
Excerpt from the IFSU Code Part III
RDET Functional Chart
The RDET Functional Chart is the overall organizational structure
of the Research, Development, Extension and Training from the top
management to the frontline personnel which shows the systematic and
effective procedures of research application, promotion, approval,
monitoring and implementation.
The overall RDET governance is headed by the President. He
executes policies and guidelines approved by the Board of Regents. The
RDET is a distinct office headed by the Vice President who shall be
designated by the University President for a specific term without prejudice
to re-designation, subject to the confirmation of the Board of Trustees.
Directly under the Office of the VP-RDET are the Directors for Research
and Development, Extension and Training.
Coordinators for Research, Extension, and Training activities are
designated by the different Colleges from the campuses of the university.
They are also members of the University Research, Extension and Training