Page 15 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
P. 15

Agriculture (DA), Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Department
                   of  Environment  and  Natural  Resources  (DENR)  and  the  Commission  on
                   Higher Education (CHED).

               4.1.2.         Setting of Priorities
                              The RDET priorities are set based on regional and national thrusts
                   and mandates as well as information and feedback from various agencies and
                   sources are found in page 6.

               4.1.3.         Translating Priorities into Action Plans
                       Once the priorities are set, these are translated into action plans.  The
                   personnel  under  each  division  prepare  the  action  plan  with  their
                   corresponding  proposals.    The  proposals  are  submitted  to  the  concerned
                   division Director for review, consolidation and submission to the VP-RDET for
                   further  study  before  endorsement  by  the  University  President  to  the
                   appropriate funding agencies.

               4.1.4.         Research         and       Extension        Program/Project          Proposal
                       Screening/Evaluation and Approval
                       Research proposals shall be prepared in line with the flagship priorities of
                   the  university,  Local  Government  Units  of  the  province,  DOST,  PCARRD,
                   HARRDEC and CHED, relevant to the enhancement of instruction, technology
                   generation, human and natural resources development.

                       Evaluation  and  screening  of  research  proposals  shall  conform  to  the
                   policies and guidelines set by the University in pursuance to the priority goals

                   of the Local Government Units, DOST, PCARRD, CHED and other agencies
                   through  HARRDEC.  All  GAA  funded  research,  extension  and  training
                   programs  of  the  University  shall  fall  within  the  identified  priorities  of  the
                   University  for  the  Improvement  of  instruction,  technology  generation  and
                   human and natural resources development.

                       Research  proposals  are  reviewed  and  evaluated  during  the  University
                   Research Council Review (CRCR).  Relevant proposals shall be recommended
                   by the CRC for presentation during the Agency In-House Review (AIHR).

                       During the AIHR, proposals are reviewed, evaluated, and recommended for
                   approval. The rating of research proposals are as follows:
                          •  Outstanding  proposals.  Good  as  approved  with  very  minimal
                          •  Very  Satisfactory.  For  funding  consideration  subject  to  the
                              incorporation of corrections
                          •  With major revision. Not to be implemented
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