Page 14 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
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               Monitoring  and  Evaluation  of  Research  &  Extension  Programs  Research  and
               Development the Research programs of the University shall be monitored and
               evaluated for the following reasons:

               General Objectives:
                       To generate valid and reliable data and information as bases for decision-
               making  in  project  planning  and  implementation.  Evaluation  provides
               justification to project decisions as follows:

                       1.  To continue or defer the implementation of new research projects.
                       2.  To continue executing or to make changes on plans and activities of on-
                          going  projects.  Evaluation  prompts  projects  to  accelerate  its
                          implementation  or  to  revise  implementation  plans  to  suit  current
                       3.  To continue or to stop implementation of on-going projects. Evaluation
                          reinforces the conviction to proceed with operation until it is finished,
                          or serve warning to cut short the lifespan of a project. 4. To replicate or
                          forget  all  about  a  completed  project.  Evaluation  either  opens  up  or
                          closes  down  the  chances  of  a  project  to  be  expanded,  duplicated  or
                       4.  To communicate with all project stakeholders; and
                       5.  To generate a sense of accountability, satisfaction and unity among all

               Policies and guidelines in the conduct of extension and research activities
               (Reference:  Chapter IV, IFSU Code)

                                              IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES

               4.1.  Planning the Implementation Process

               4.1.1.         Assessment of the Environment
                              The  university  in  consonance  with  its  mandate  to  perform  its
                   fourfold functions in instruction, research, extension and production, shall
                   provide  policy  directions  in  the  management,  administration  and  support
                   systems  in  the  planning  and  implementation  of  research,  extension  and
                   training  programs  for  the  furtherance  of  its  vision,  mission,  goals  and
                   objectives.  Through  its  RDET  programs,  the  university  shall  take  into
                   consideration  external  factors  focused  on  national  policies,  laws  and
                   procedures of the government as well as the development programs of the
                   National  Economic  Development  Authority  (NEDA),  Department  of
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