Page 19 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
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Ex-ante or before/pre-project evaluation
It is a proactive tool to assess the potential of a research or extension
project leading to a decision to implement or not. Ex-ante evaluation
includes the evaluation of research proposals, feasibility studies, project
appraisals, needs assessment, technology assessment and profiling.
Social and livelihood analysis as applied in extension are also done at
this stage. One or a combination of these tools shall be used in assessing
the value of both research and extension proposals to be carried out.
During-project evaluation
It is also known as on-going or continuing project evaluation. It
consists of assessing project processes while the project in its
implementation phase. This type of evaluation shall cover the whole life
span of the project. Evaluation activities made during this period shall
include field visitation reports, process documentation and analysis of
activity and progress reports.
After-project evaluation
This shall be referred to as ex-post facto evaluation. Evaluation at
this point shall be done when the project had been completed. The
concern of which is to evaluate project results and outputs. Such results
and outputs may be in the form of technology developed and realized
immediately after the completion of research projects or economic
benefits/activities realized after the implementation of extension projects
and training programs.
Best Researcher and Extentionist
The IFSU conducts a search from among its rank and file for
Outstanding Researcher and Outstanding Extension Worker to recognize
contributions in the field of research and development and extension
services of the University. The search aims to motivate and honor those
engaged in research and extension. The award is given annually during
the University Charter Day.
Objectives of the Award
• Give recognition to employees of the IFSU with exemplary
accomplishments in research and development and extension.
• Select outstanding researchers and outstanding extension workers as
models for the research and extension professions.
• The search is open to all full-time and permanent personnel of IFSU
who have rendered at least five years of service prior to the nomination.
Candidates should be duly nominated by the local search committee of