Page 22 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
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                       This is to encourage and increase participation of each college/department
               in extension activities.

                 Table 3.8. Guidelines and Procedures in the Selection of Outstanding Extension
                                              in the Department or College

                 Applicant should submit the necessary documents/proof of outstanding
                 contribution in extension activities to the screening committee. The                      %
                 selection committee to evaluate the documents/proof of outstanding
                 contribution submitted by the applicant, based on the following:

                    1.  Socio-economic contribution                                                       35%
                        (Impact to the community)

                    2.  Adaptability/Utilization and Replicability of Extension Output                    35%
                        (Actual utilization/adaptation of technology in the locality. Higher
                        consideration will be given to those output which are already in
                        commercialization stage and recognized at the provincial level.)

                    3.  Contribution to the general advancement of science and                            30%
                        (A new technology developed, an innovation or a remarkable
                        modification of an existing technology.)
                        TOTAL                                                                            100%

                   •  The name of the department or college awardee will be forwarded to the
                       chairman on awards to be recognized during the Foundation Day.
                   •  An additional amount of P10,000.00 will be given to the awardee (Source
                       of fund- Extension Fiduciary Fund)
                   •  All documents, proof of outstanding contribution will be kept in the office
                       of  the  Selection  Committee  Chair  for  purposes  related  to  said
                       evaluation/selection of awardees.
                   •  The decision Selection Committee will be final.

               University Research and Extension Exposition Forum by Category
                       This forum will serve as an avenue for students to present their researches
               and extension projects/activities. A separate set of criteria will be prepared for
               students  and  faculty/staff  extension  activities.  For  the  extension  forum,
               students  will  present  their  extension  projects  in  flyer  or  brochure,  video  and
               other formats.
                       •  Student Category (Junior) and;
                       •  Faculty and Staff (Senior)

                       The search for the most outstanding student researcher and extensionist
               shall be determined during the University Research and Extension Exposition
               Forum. A plaque of recognition and cash amount will be given to the following;
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