Page 24 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
P. 24

Proponent/Training Worker
                          Instruction/Training Worker
                          Program goals

                        Table 3.9. Program Evaluation
                          Inputs                                •  Number of visits
                                                                •  No. of meetings
                          Activities                            •  Learning situations set up
                                                                •  Subject matter taught
                          People Involvement                    •  Percent of target audience participating
                                                                   in the program/ project
                          Reactions                             •  No. of persons indicating whether
                                                                   training program is useful or not
                          KASA Change                           •  Change in knowledge, attitudes, skills,
                                                                   and aspirations of target audience
                          Practice Change                       •  No. of clientele using/adopting improved
                          End Results                           •  Attainment of ultimate objectives
                                                                •  Change in the quality of life

                      Description  of  administrative  support  in  EXTENSION  –  related

               Research Personnel

                       The Extension Unit is headed by a Extension Chairman with Extension
              Coordinators from the College of Education, College of Agriculture and Forestry,
              College of Computing Science, College of Business Management, Department of
              Criminology and the Department of Health Science.  The Extension Coordinators
              perform their own functions and coordinate all activities with the other institutes
              and Linkages.

                       The Extension Chairman is assisted by the designated coordinators and
              personnel in the monitoring and supervision of Research Projects. The Technical
              Evaluation  Committee  is  composed  of  the  Extension  Chairman  with  the
              Extension Coordinators from the different Departments.

                       The  Extension  Office  is  responsive  for  generating/developing  verifying,
              piloting  and  commercializing  priority  technologies  and  economically  feasible,
              socially acceptable and environmentally sound agricultural enterprises.
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