Page 20 - Research NARRATIVE PROFILE
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a    University,     academic      College,    or    research     and     training

                       •  The following are disqualified:
                                     o  Those  holding  administrative  positions  at  the  time  of
                                         search as follows:  vice-president, dean, or director

                                     o  Member of the search committee
                                     o  Those that have been found guilty of any criminal,  civil,
                                         and/or administrative case.

               Note: Previous awardees are allowed to apply for the current search provided that
               they will not use the documents credited during the previous search

                       Table 3.7.  Criteria for Best Extensionist – (70 points and above)

                  1.  Extension Involvement                                                               55
                              1.1  Copy  of  documents  showing  his/her  involvement  in
                                   extension  work  (i.e.  as  resource  person  in  training,
                                   community          involvement,        student        involvement,
                                   institutional  participation/linkages,  and  consultancy
                                   services)  (20)

                              1.2  Copy of certificates and other evidence showing innovative
                                   and  significant  approaches/models  in  extension  work
                                   (demonstration projects and publication of IEC materials)

                              1.3  Community/institutional  assessment  of  the  nominee  in
                                   the  area  (province,  municipality,  or  barangay)  and

                                   institution where extension work has been conducted and
                                   participated, respectively. (10)

                              1.4  Certified copy of workload and/or designations within the
                                   last two years. (10)

                  2. Impact of extension service rendered
                              (Application  of  services  rendered  gauge  through  production/  30
                              output of clienteles)

                  3.     Education and professional advancement                                           10
                              3.1  Certified true copy of transcript of records or diploma for
                                   the highest degree attained or the degree being pursued
                                           ❖  Doctorate Degree- 5
                                           ❖  Masters degree- 3
                                           ❖  Bachelors Degree- 2
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