Page 16 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
P. 16

Navy Journal 2019

                   b. Motivation towards better professionalism, and keeping them so, with
                   appropriate support, encouragement, and recognitions.
                   A parallel  situation  to those shown at Figures 2 and 3 can easily be
             developed with appropriate substitutes for levels of needs, and associated
             attributes, and characteristics to examine the similarities with Maslow’s concept
             needs and hierarchy of professional needs in naval officers’ career. For easy
             understanding,  navalised  titles  for levels  (shown at figure 5), professional
             qualifications, suitable job description, and probable rank with length of service
             (at its centre) might be used. Thus, the career growth pattern of a naval officer
             might be shown as the following figure:

                Self Actualisation and Transcendence  Needs  - National/Strategic command and policy direction
                                       of Staff
                    Strategic Qualification Needs  - PSO in NHQ, Area Comd/Admin Auth, Higher Defence Management
                                      R Adm and   Courses, National/Strategic level policy formulation and executions
                                     Above (over 32 yrs)
                                                 - NDC, Dir at NHQ, CO establishments, Opl level policy planning and
                 Operational Qualification Needs  Capt/Cdre (28-32 yrs)   executions, higher level specialised national/military management
                                                   - AFWC, exposure to planning for execution of higher policy, CO
                  Tactical Qualification Needs  Cdr/Capt (19-28 yrs)   OPV, CO FF, CO establishment, operational/tactical level military
                 Unit Qualification Needs   Lt Cdr/Cdr (14-18 yrs)   - Staff course, HoD in PC, CO in PC, SEO/DLO/ASO in FF,
                                                     DD/Staff Officer at NHQ, Staff Officer at Formation HQs

                Peer Professional Needs  Lt/Lt Cdr (5-13 yrs)      - Sea/Harbour watch-keeping, independent duty aboard
                                                       PC, top officer aboard FF, sub-dept duty in establishments,
                                                       JSC, Specialisation Course

             Basic Professional Needs  S Lt/Lt (0-4 yrs)   - Physical fitness, knowledge and orientation with
                                                         naval requirements and practices, basic professional
                                 Figure 6: Hierarchy of Professional Needs
                   The lowest level of the pyramid at Figure 5 is about ‘Basic Professional
             Needs’, that starts with officer aspirants, the junior most individuals still in
             formative training to qualify as officers fit for independent duties at sea/shore.
             Notable is the essential expectation from them to be physically fit – which is very
             important only at this level. It continues to play a role in all subsequent higher
             levels  but  diminishes  in  importance  by  taking  a  backseat  when  compared  to
             needs at that (ie, current) or higher levels. She/he at this level is also required to
             be knowledgeable  of essentials  of naval  profession. Her/his skills and
             experiences might be commensurate with roughly four years of service.
                   The  next  level  extending  to  about  13  years  service  is  about  ‘Peer
             Professional Needs’, which when attained  should enable  an individual  to
             continue enjoying the benefits of having attained the basic needs so that she/he
             might next concentrate on establishing her/himself among peers as a usefully

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