Page 11 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
P. 11

Hierarchy of Needs ...

                   romantic relations, sports team, community groups, religious groups, etc
                   for sustaining relationships. These aim at being liked and loved by fellow
                   members of a group and provide for emotional security against loneliness,
                   depression, anxiety, etc.
                   d. In the next level, individuals desire to be appreciated and respected by
                   peers and be considered an important member of the group, be that family,
                   social, cultural, professional, etc. They enjoy being appreciated, and thus
                   valued. Their expectations grow further as those are attained, and they
                   then wish to be appreciated among other groups around. Such aspirations
                   might include being the leader of own group, or a few such groups – thus
                   emerges the requirement for ‘Esteem Needs’.
                   As shown in Figure 2, esteem  and social  needs together  make  up the
                   ‘Psychological Needs’.

                   e. As individuals progress further up the pyramid, their needs become
                   increasingly sophisticated and intangible, and feelings of accomplishment
                   take priority over all lower needs. The topmost level of needs thus is the
                   ‘Self-Actualisation Need’, which is a process of growing and developing
                   as a person in order to achieve an individual’s perceived full potential. It
                   is a state of continual process of becoming rather than a perfect state that
                   one might reach and remain at permanently. Most people can probably
                   never reach this state.
                   Physiological, Security, Social, and Esteem needs are together grouped as
             ‘Deficiency Needs’ that arise due to deprivation of essential elements for living.
             The lone remaining higher need is ‘Growth Need’ – it does not originate from the
             want of something but is from the aspiration to be something cherished. The
             hierarchy of needs is not also strict. There might be individuals willing to opt
             more for esteem needs at their sacrifice of lower needs.
                   The top level deserves more discussion as this is the realm at which any
             self-aware  individual  would aspire to be. It is the full use of one’s talents,
             potentialities, efforts, etc to achieve for her/him the best that she/he perceives
             her/himself to be capable of. Maslow himself described  this as “It refers to the
             desire for self-fulfilment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized
             in what he is potential.
            2. Maslow, A H, “A Theory Of Human Motivation” available at,
            accessed 22 Oct 2018.

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