Page 8 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
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             Navy Journal, since its inception, has been a reservoir of knowledge and wisdom
             of dimensions of naval profession and beyond. It epitomizes some excellent
             pieces of theses beckoning the intellectual pursuit by a bunch of brilliant naval
             officers.  They have exhibited their specialized knowledge and professional
             experiences of empirical research and philosophical insights in literary form in
             their articles. Officers, amid the hustle and bustle of busy schedule in day to day
             service, have inculcated their thoughts and diversified ideas through research
             activities involving intrinsic values of innovation.  We hope the inquisitive
             readers will definitely find sources as food for thought in these writings.
             The objective of the journal, as the writers expect, is to keep the mind of readers
             and researchers engaged in the enormous possibilities of diversified area of naval
             profession as well as national and international perspective of various sorts.
             Prudent writers have furnished their views and opinions for the curious readers
             with demonstrative presentation. We hope the resourceful articles embedded in
             this journal will stimulate a sense of inspiration and gratification for the young
             naval leaders and other readers as well to enrich their horizon of knowledge and
             benefit them with thought provoking ideas to grow research ability for
             enhancement of professional excellence.

             The editors have left no stone unturned to make this journal textually and content
             wise refined, complete and a presentable one. Despite all of our relentless effort
             to make the journal error free, it is usually not unusual to have some
             unintentional flaws and shortcomings as being printing ghost in a mammoth
             professional publication like it. We, the editorial board, hope that our wise and
             valued readers will consider these flaws and foibles as inadvertent ones out of
             their gracious gesture. However, we welcome our esteemed readers and feel
             obliged to accept any constructive criticism for the improvement of the
             publication with sincere gratitude and admiration.
             The  editorial  board  hereby  express their  sincere  gratitude  with  humble
             submission to the Chief Patron Rear Admiral M Abu Ashraf, BSP, ncc, psc for
             his valuable advice and genuine guidance for publishing the journal in a befitting
             manner. We duly acknowledge the whole hearted and spontaneous cooperation
             and initiatives of all concerned for timely publication of this ‘Navy Journal
             2019’. May Allah bestow us enough strength and spirit to serve the nation with
             zeal and enthusiasm for a better future ahead.

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