Page 9 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
P. 9

                                      A HYPOTHESIS

                      Rear Admiral M Moyeenul Haque, NPP, nswc, psc

                   The  ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ was first theorised by an American
             psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow. His hierarchy of (human) needs model is
             frequently used in various professional applications to identify employees’ needs
             and motivations for higher productivity. The idea can similarly be also used for

             pursuing organisational needs and growth opportunities. The idea of hierarchy of
             needs for the professional development of an officer’s career in the Navy can be
             quite interesting, as there exists a striking resemblance between these two. This
             writing will attempt to explain those with some deductions.

                                                          Maslow first published  his
                                                    concept of hierarchy of needs in a
                                                    paper titled  ‘A Theory of Human
                                                    Motivation’ in 1943 in the scientific
                                                    journal  ‘Psychological  Review’.
                                                    The   same   was    subsequently
                                                    published  in  1953  in  his book
                                                    ‘Motivation  and    Personality’.
                                                    Maslow categorised  human needs
                                                    in  several  levels and  postulated
                                                    human behaviour to be motivated
                                                    by the desire to have those needs
                                                    fulfilled,  and individuals are
                                                    motivated to fulfil lower level needs
                                                    before moving on to more complex
                                                    higher needs.
                Figure 1: Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
                   Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often represented by a 5-level pyramid
             with its base forming the lowest level of needs, where needs gradually become
             more sophisticated with each level ascended.

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