Page 13 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
P. 13

Hierarchy of Needs ...

             present and active in a ‘dynamic relationship’ with higher needs that we pursue,
             though their presence and requirement might not be always felt prominently. A
             graphical presentation of the same is at figure .
                   Maslow went further to indentify  following characteristics  of
             self-actualised persons and the behavioural traits as :
                   a. Characteristics of self-actualised person(s):
                        (1) Perceives reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty;
                        (2) Accepts self and others for what they are;

                        (3) Spontaneous in thought and action;
                        (4) Problem-centred (not self-centred);
                        (5) Unusual sense of humour;
                        (6) Able to look at life objectively;

                        (7) Highly creative;
                        (8) Resistant to enculturation, but not purposely unconventional;
                        (9) Concerned for the welfare of humanity;
                        (10) Capable of deep appreciation of basic life-experience;

                        (11) Establish deep satisfying interpersonal relationship with a few
                        (12) Peak experiences;

                        (13) Need for privacy;
                        (14) Democratic attitudes; and
                        (15) Strong moral/ethical standards.

                   b. Behaviour leading to self-actualisation:
                        (1) Experiencing  life  like  a child  with  full  absorption  and

                        (2) Trying new things instead of sticking to safe paths;

            4. Figure titled “Dynamic Hierarchy of Needs”, available as
            chy_of_needs_-_Maslow.svg, from “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, online article available at  https://en.wikipe-
  , accessed 22 Oct 2018.
            5. Sze, David, ‘Maslow: The 12 Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Person’, online article available at https://www.huff-
  ; and ‘Maslow: 15  Traits of Self-Actualized People’, online article
            available at, both accessed 20 Oct 2018.

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