Page 15 - Navy Journal E-Book 7-6-20
P. 15

Hierarchy of Needs ...

                  Revisiting  from the bottom  of Figure 2, the ‘Basic Needs’ can be
             comparable to a naval person’s initial struggle for an honourable existence so
             that individuals might earn a steady income to continue with the kind and quality
             of  life  that  she/he  desires.  After  gaining  financial  independence,  individuals
             might  look  for finer  ‘Psychological Needs’ like  appreciation,  recognition,
             promotions, senior appointments, etc in the form of larger command and higher
             responsibility. Officers at this stage start ‘belonging’ themselves with the Navy,
             and are  matured  and ready  for higher  responsibilities.  However, they  need
             Navy’s support, encouragement, and authority, as without those their potentials
             will remain vastly dormant. The group of officers and men beyond this level
             clearly understand their roles in the fulfilment of Navy’s requirements. They also
             have the authority and personnel, and can lead subordinates to get a job done.
             Therefore, it remains the Navy’s responsibility to provide them with necessary
             authority and resources for such achievements. The next group of only a few
             exceptionally fortunate individuals at the self-actualisation level will take the
             Navy’s requirements as their own and go on to inspire others.

                   Level of Commitment                       Potentials
             Highly committed individuals who take the Navy’s mission as their   Individuals  with  almost  unlimited  potentials;  they  can  lead  the
             own remain self-inspired, and inspire and patronize others.  Navy to success and inspire others on national issues.
             Highly committed individuals who feel important, know their   Needs   Remain useful as long as they are provided with the
             roles in the achievement of Navy’s goals and what is expected   resources and authority. They can immediately appreciate
             out of them, and lead the ship to get that done.  Esteem Needs   and make use of what relates to their goals and objectives
                                                       and share that with teammates.
             Committed individuals who like their jobs and enjoy   Individuals are matured and ready to be a reliable
             being a member of the ship’s crew. They take pride in   shipmate, but might not yet rise up conspicuously
             own work, yet do not say so clearly to other shipmates.  Belongingness Needs   without support, encouragement, and some
                                                          (delegated) authority.
             Individuals go along with their jobs with the bare
             minimum, rarely speak up in meetings, and   Security Needs   Individuals are not yet ready, or just becoming
             usually avoid interaction with their Command.  ready, as a reliable member of the ship’s crew.
             Individuals struggle only for pay, don’t         Consist of mostly individuals in their basic
             enjoy working, and are so only good for   Survival Needs   training (ie, 0-4 years).
             routine jobs. They often come late, leave
             early, and attempt to cut corners.
                    Figure 5: Relationship between Needs, Level of Commitment, and Potentials
                   However, not all can be at so a high level where even 1% of top 10% can
             be a high probability. The rest of the Navy nevertheless remains very important.
             With right training and encouragement, they possess potentials to achieve their
             kind of self-actualisation goals useful for the Navy. Such aspirations by them can
             lead to a more professional Navy, if they’re kept committed by:
                   a. Identification of individuals with the right qualities for the task through
                   close observation, examinations, various reports, etc; and

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