P. 6
3. Struktur Teks Hortatory Exposition:
• Thesis: Menyatakan sudut pandang penulis tentang suatu isu dan perkenalan topik yang
akan dibahas.
• Arguments: Menyajikan alasan atau argumen yang mendukung sudut pandang penulis.
Argumen ini sering kali diperkuat dengan fakta, contoh, dan data.
• Recommendation: Memberikan rekomendasi tentang tindakan atau solusi yang
seharusnya dilakukan berdasarkan argumen yang telah dipaparkan.
Contoh Teks Hortatory Exposition:
Thesis: Plastic waste has become one of
the most critical environmental issues. It is
essential that we take immediate actions to
reduce plastic waste before it causes more
harm to the planet.
Arguments: Firstly, plastic is non-
biodegradable, which means it does not
decompose easily. As a result, it can
remain in the environment for hundreds of
years, leading to land and water pollution.
Secondly, many animals, particularly
marine creatures, mistakenly ingest plastic
waste, leading to health problems or even
death. Thirdly, the production of plastic
requires a significant amount of fossil
fuels, contributing to global warming and
resource depletion.
Gambar 1 Cleaning the beach from plastic waste
Source: AI-generated with a prompt generate a picture that shows an
effort to reduce plastic waste
Recommendation: Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to reduce
plastic waste. This can be done by promoting the use of biodegradable materials, implementing
stricter regulations on plastic production, and encouraging the public to recycle and reduce
plastic usage.
Video Pembelajaran
Video 1 Penjelasan tentang Hortatory Exposition