Page 31 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 31

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            29

                                                            rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           inVestMent-Linked (iL) PoLicies

           Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) issued the policy document on Investment-linked (IL) business on 11 January 2019 with the principal
           objective of ensuring that insurers provide fair treatment to consumers in preserving the value of consumers’ IL policies. The
           policy document stipulates requirements aimed at achieving:
           i)   High corporate governance and professionalism in administration of IL business;
           ii)  Professional and proper conduct in sales and marketing of IL policies; and
           iii)  Enhanced product transparency and disclosure to protect the interest of policy owners.

           The policy document sets out the:

           i)   Introduction of Minimum Allocation Rate (MAR) to protect the account value of policy owners in tandem with the liberalisation
               of commission;
           ii)  Introduction of standards for sustainability tests for proper management of long-term persistency of IL policies;
           iii)  Enhancements of product illustration formats.

           The past two years saw LIAM, together with                        after  entering  into  a  contract  –  or  one
           the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA),                          that is automatically invoked by the
           embarking  on  a  campaign  to  educate                           insurer, whereby the insurer must make
           and  create  awareness  on  IL  Insurance                         sure that policy owners are provided
           and Takaful plans among consumers – by                            with appropriate advice on managing
           improving transparency and ensuring that                          extensions at the point of sale and
           consumers  are  provided  with  sufficient                        thereafter  (e.g.  providing  avenues  for
           and timely information, so their policies                         policy owners to pre-fund the extensions).
           are sustainable.
                                                                             Disclosure requirements at the point of
           Insurers have communicated with their                             sale, post-sale and prior to the extended
           policyholders on how IL policies work,                            period were also specified by Bank Negara
           what  affects  IL  fund  values,  and  actions                    Malaysia (BNM).
           that can be taken if the fund becomes
           insufficient to ensure continued coverage                         Insurers are required to ensure that due
           for the full policy term. Policyholders are                       care, skill, and diligence are exercised when
           also given annual updates on the expected sustainability   dealing with financial consumers, in line with the BNM Policy
           of their IL policies with the intention to encourage policy   Document on Fair Treatment of Financial Consumers. In this
           owners to manage their policies more proactively and take   case, comparisons between investment-linked products with
           appropriate actions where necessary.                and without extension to coverage term features, as well as
                                                               available alternatives, must be clearly explained to ensure
           LIAM also issued Minimum Standards for Sales Practices for   informed decision-making. Insurers are also expected to
           IL policies in May 2020, as best practices for the industry to   periodically engage with policy owners’ post-sale and ensure
           ensure agents are properly trained to sell IL policies that are   that they sufficiently understand the key information stated
           suitable for policyholders’ needs and risk appetite.  in the written disclosure.

           Further to this, BNM issued specifications pursuant to Sections
           47, 123 and 143 of the Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA)
           on 22 March 2021, related to investment-linked products
           which  provide  an extension  of  coverage  beyond  the  initial
           coverage term, aiming to mitigate risks of mismatch between
           consumers’ expectations on the term of cover and the actual
           sustainability of the policy, and/or lack of understanding on
           the financial implications of an extension.

           With effect from 22 September 2021, insurers must ensure
           that an extension is designed as an option – whereby the
           policy owner must take explicit action to exercise the option
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