Page 35 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 35

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            33

                                                            rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

                                                 To date, there are 25 Perlindungan Tenang products available in the market with
                                                 a range of protection plans covering death, accidents, damage to properties etc.

                                                 In the 2022 National Budget announcement, the Government increased the
                                                 voucher value to RM75 with the redemption period commencing from 1 January
                                                 2022 until 31 December 2022.

                                                 With the continuation of the PTV Programme in 2022, it is hoped that the
                                                 programme fulfils the nation’s financial inclusion agenda of achieving higher
                                                 insurance penetration and household resilience among the population.

           BNM  issued  a  Policy  Document  on
           Perlindungan  Tenang  on  5  July  2021,
           providing a more enabling and fit-for-purpose
           regulatory framework since the launch of
           the Perlindungan Tenang initiative in 2017. It
           focuses on empowering licensed insurers and
           takaful  operators  to  offer  more  innovative,
           diverse  and  meaningful  microinsurance/
           takaful products to serve the lower-income
           group, promoting wider take-up of PT products
           by broadening the distribution channels
           and strengthening consumer protection
           requirements  to  safeguard  consumer

           ePf MeMBers Protection PLan

           In Budget 2021, tabled on 6 November 2020, the Government announced
           that EPF members would be allowed to withdraw from their EPF Account 2 to
           purchase life insurance and medical insurance to augment their EPF savings
           and provide financial protection for themselves and their families. Following
           this announcement, LIAM had a series of discussions with EPF with regards to
           the withdrawal. The withdrawal guideline, named EPF Members Protection Plan
           (MPP) Scheme, was subsequently drawn up and issued on 8 June 2021.
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