Page 33 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 33

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            31

                                                            rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           Insurers should establish procedures for periodical evaluation of the CFF
           by an independent team where appropriate/remedial actions should
           be taken in the event that the CFF forms do not meet the minimum

           The best practice guide on evaluating the CFF forms and appropriateness
           of product recommendations is targeted to be implemented in 2023.

           In  addition,  the  industry  drafted  a  list  of  best  practices  for  raising  the
           professional standards of insurance advisors to increase the confidence
           of financial consumers, which include the best practices on pre-contract
           evaluation and training, basic training upon being contracted, on-going
           training, joint fieldwork and role-playing, activity management as well as on-going servicing of customers. Also covered are the
           best practices for agency managers as well as the insurers who would be responsible for the actions of their respective advisors.
           These best practices are expected to be finalised in 2022.

           eXPansion of Hrdf act 2001

           The Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (Human Resources Development) Act 2001 has been expanded to cover a score
           of industries including the insurance sector effective 1 March 2021 as part of the Government’s initiative to provide training
           and up-skilling of Malaysians to keep up with fast-changing business landscape and changing demands of the labour market.

           With this expansion, insurance companies are required to contribute 1% of the monthly wages to the Human Resources
           Development Fund (HRDF), managed by HRD Corporation.

           However, taking into account the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies were exempted from paying levy
           between June and December 2021; they only started paying in January 2022.

           LIAM organised a virtual engagement session with HRD Corporation on 29 October 2021 for Heads of Human Resource from
           member  companies  to  seek  clarification  on  issues  relating  to  the  levy  contribution  and  the  criteria  on  claiming  of  training

           eXeMPtion froM staff training eXPenditure (ste) requireMents

           Under the Staff Training Expenditure guideline issued by BNM on 23 December 2015, insurers and takaful operators (ITOs)
           are subject to a minimum training expenditure of 3.5% of staff gross salary.
           Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ITOs have had to move to e-learning and conduct training virtually, instead of organising
           a face-to-face training. Following the appeal from companies, BNM exempted ITOs from the STE requirements in 2020 and
           2021 and the exemption continues for 2022.
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