Page 36 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 36

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  34

           rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           #BukaneXtra 2.0 caMPaign

           During the year, LIAM launched #BUKANEXTRA 2.0, a consumer awareness campaign on social media,
           targeting the youth, single professionals, newly married couples, and young families in the country.

           #BUKANEXTRA 2.0 was the second campaign rolled out by the industry following the successful launch
           of #BUKANEXTRA in September 2020.

           The #BUKANEXTRA campaign received positive feedback and garnered more than 10.2 million viewers,
           over 14 million impressions and 1.5 million video views throughout the campaign period.
           The #BUKANEXTRA 2.0 campaign, which ran from 27 August to 5 October 2021, encompassed a digital
           contest, a microsite, a series of three videos, campaign hype by Influencers/Key
           Opinion Leaders as well as Facebook and Instagram postings.
           The campaign was created to educate Malaysians on the importance of life insurance and that all the
           “extras” (material things) they have may not mean much if they don’t have life insurance.
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