Page 34 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 34

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  32

           rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           enHancing sociaL Protection                        BPR recipients are required to check their eligibility for the RM50
           aMong tHe coMMunity and                            voucher via the PTV portal at Upon confirmation
           insurance aWareness                                of the eligibility and issuance of the voucher number, they are
                                                              advised  to visit to check the features
                                                              and benefits of the Perlindungan Tenang products, which are
           PerLindungan tenang VoucHer                        linked to the participating insurers’/takaful operators’ websites,
           PrograMMe for LoW-incoMe grouPs                    before completing the purchase of the product that suits their
                                                              needs. Alternatively, BPR recipients can walk in to any branch
           The Perlindungan Tenang Voucher (PTV) Programme, a national   of participating insurance companies/takaful operators or
           initiative by the Government of Malaysia in collaboration with   authorised Perlindungan Tenang agents/distributors to check
           the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), Malaysian   on their eligibility and purchase the insurance/takaful product
           Takaful Association (MTA) and Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia   of their choice.
           (PIAM),  was  officially  launched
           on 30 September 2021, offering                                           The   Perlindungan  Tenang
           social protection to about 8.4                                           initiative, which was  introduced
           million eligible Bantuan Prihatin                                        by Bank Negara Malaysia in
           Rakyat (BPR) recipients.                                                 2017,  brings  together  the
                                                                                    insurance and takaful industry
           Under the first phase of the PTV                                         to develop insurance and takaful
           Programme, a RM50 voucher                                                products that meet the needs
           was  allocated  to  3.6  million  BPR                                    of the underserved segments,
           recipients under the household                                           particularly  the  low-income
           category  to   purchase  a                                               population. It provides  basic
           Perlindungan Tenang protection                                           protection plans against key risks
           plan  from participating  licensed                                       in life such as death, accidents,
           insurers and takaful operators.                                          fire, or other unfortunate events
                                                                                    and must meet the criteria of
           Subsequently,  this  initiative                                          affordability,  easily  accessible,
           was made available to 3.6                                                provide good protection value,
           million recipients from the                                              easy to understand as well as easy
           singles category and 1.1 million                                         to purchase and make claims.
           recipients from the senior citizen
           category from 15 November
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