Page 173 - Physiology and Pathophysiology MNU 2024-2025 نظرى
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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025 Level 2 Pharm D Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
Factors that influence mean arterial pressure عاتب ميدقلا ملاكلا ركتفن COP , TRP
Parameter Determined by
i. Blood volume [in kidney failure] Fluid intake & Fluid loss
ii. Effectiveness of the heart as a pump (cardiac Heart rate & Stroke volume
output )
iii. Resistance of the system to blood flow Diameter of the arterioles
iv. Relative distribution of blood between arterial diameter of the veins
and venous blood vessels Veins dilated ➔ blood static ➔ low pressure.
veins constriction ➔ increase Venous return ➔ increase BP
↑arterial blood pressure due to Total peripheral resistance VC, VD of arterioles affect :
↑Of heart rate , stroke volume , cardiac output or sum of all the vascular resistance • TPR
total peripheral resistance (TPR) within the systemic circulation • Arterial pressure
determined by the arteriolar • Blood flow through capillaries
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