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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025 Level 2 Pharm D Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
Regulation of blood pressure
Baroreceptor Reflex Renin - Angiotensin - Aldosterone System (RAAS)
Characters fast neural mechanism Slow hormonal mechanism
Used for Minute-to-minute regulation of blood pressure (-Ve feedback system) Long-term regulation of blood pressure regulation
Occur through Baroreceptor Stretch receptor located within the walls of Occur through adjustment of blood volume (through
the carotid sinuses & aortic arch kidney)
Steps 1. ABP Stretch on the receptor of the carotid sinus. 1. ABP in renal perfusion Juxtaglomerular
2. Stretch firing rate of the carotid sinus nerve (which carries cells secretes Renin.
information to the vasomotor center in the brain stem [Medulla Oblongata] 2. Renin ➔ catalyzes the conversion of
3. The set point for mean arterial pressure (Pa) in the vasomotor center Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I in plasma.
[Medulla Oblongata] ➔ 100 mm Hg. 3. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) ➔ catalyzes
If Pa > 100mm Hg response occur ABP toward normal. the conversion of Angiotensin I (inactive) to
4. The main responses are : Angiotensin II (active).
Parasympathetic outflow to the heart. 4.. Angiotensin II has the following effects:
Sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels: four effects: 1. VC of arterioles TPR & ABP.
1. Heart rate. 2. Contractility & Stroke volume COP 2. Stimulates Secretion of Aldosterone Salt & Water
ABP. retention Na+ reabsorption ECF & ABP.
3. VD of arterioles TPR ABP.
4. VD of veins unstressed volume VR COP.
The reverse responses occur in the case of ABP
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