Page 35 - pharma 1 theoretical updated MNU_Neat
P. 35

Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                            Level 3 Pharm D                             Pharmacology 1 (PO 502)

                                       4- Prazosin: selective α1 blocker

                           In addition, it has a direct vasodilator action (without receptor)
                                          direct vasodilator    اهنأو blocker  اهنا نيب قرف ف
                            Not produce significant tachycardia (less than non-selective).

                                             ➢  Mild to moderate hypertension.
          Uses        ➢  Severe congestive heart failure. Due to decrease resistance ( afterload)

                              ➢  Impaired bladder emptying caused by prostatic obstruction.
                   ➢  First-dose syncope (or effect)  ةعرج لوا دعب هيلع ىمغي➔ dose related postural
                      hypotension ➔ occurs within 2 hours of the initial dose ➔ so, starts with a
                      single dose at bedtime & stop diuretics & β-blockers at the start of the

                    ➢  Dizziness, headache and lassitude.  لسك
                    ➢  Chronic use may cause sodium and fluid retention due to stimulation

          Side          angiotensin II

                                          5- Other selective α1-blockers

              Terazosin and Doxazocin ➔                   Trimazosin & Indoramin ➔ similar to
              long acting selective α 1 blockers          prazosin but do not show first dose syncope.

              Tamsulosin➔ for BPH

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