Page 88 - pharma 1 theoretical updated MNU_Neat
P. 88

Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                            Level 3 Pharm D                             Pharmacology 1 (PO 502)

                  10-  Direct Vasodilators (direct-acting smooth muscle relaxants)

                                          hydralazine and Minoxidil
                              ➢  producing relaxation of vascular smooth muscle ➔ ↓resistance
                                  ➔↓blood pressure.
               MOA            ➢  Activation of the potassium channels ➔ ↑ potassium efflux  ➔

                                  hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle membrane. ➔calcium influx
                                  is inhibited  ➔  arteriolar smooth muscle relaxes.

                              not been used as primary drugs to treat hypertension (last choice) ➔
            Last choice
                              due to reflex heart stimulation

                              1.  reflex stimulation of the heart ➔ resulting in the competing reflexes

                                  of increased myocardial contractility, heart rate, and oxygen
                 S/E          2.  prompt angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or cardiac failure in

                                  predispose individuals.
                              3.  ↑ plasma renin concentration ➔ sodium and water retention
                                 all blocked by concomitant use of a diuretic and a β-blocker.

                                       Hydralazine                                      Minoxidil

                                                                             causes dilation of resistance
          Action     direct vasodilation, acting primarily on arteries       vessels (arterioles) but not of
                     and arterioles (decrease after load).                   capacitance vessels (venules).

                    1)  used to treat moderately severe hypertension
                     in combination with a β-blocker, (to balance           ➢  orally for treatment of sever
                        the reflex tachycardia) and a diuretic (to              to malignant hypertension
                        decrease sodium retention).                             that is refractory to other

                     Together, the three drugs  ➔ ↓ cardiac                    drugs.

            Use         output, plasma volume, and peripheral              ➢  causes hypertrichosis (the
                        vascular resistance                                    growth of the body hair) ➔
                    2)  Hydralazine Monotherapy➔                               used topically (sprays) to
                        controlling blood pressure in pregnancy-               treat male pattern

                        induced hypertension (after methyl dopa),              baldness.
                        but recent it's C.I as it affects circulation of

                        Infant as well as mother
                    ➢  headache, tachycardia, nausea, sweating,              ➢  serious sodium and water
                        arrhythmia, and precipitating of angina.                 retention ➔  volume
            S/E     ➢   A lupus-like syndrome can occur with high                overload, [edema, and

                        dosage, but it is reversible on                          congestive heart failure]
                        discontinuation of the drug.                         ➢  hypertrichosis

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