Page 36 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 36

36 |           ALUMNI NEWS


                                                                      Congratulations to Kurt Hansen (2007) who
               Elizabeth Huxley               Katharine Huxley        announced his engagement, in December, to
                                                                      Ashleigh Armstrong of Baulkham Hills.

                Miranda Foster                Isabella Pecovnik       Congratulations to Jessica Dance (2018),  who

          We congratulate four of our Alumni on their graduations:    was awarded her Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s
          Elizabeth Huxley (2007) graduated from the ANU with a       Award at a special ceremony in September.
          Ph.D (Clinical Psychology) and is currently a researcher at   Jessica, pictured above with her parents
          the University of Wollongong looking at the development and   Carolyn and Brian, received her Award from
          treatment of personality disorders.  Meanwhile, younger sister   H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Wessex, who
          Katharine Huxley (2010) was awarded a Bachelor of Laws      represented his father, the Duke of Edinburgh,
          (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Distinction) by UNSW in   at the ceremony, which also acknowledged the
          2016.  Katharine has entered private practice and is currently   Award’s 60 Anniversary.
          working as an Associate specialising in Environment and
          Planning Law. Katharine also sits as the chair of the NSW Young
          Lawyers Environment and Planning Committee. Miranda Foster
          (2012) has graduated with a Doctor of Physiotherapy from
          Macquarie University and is now working full time at Hurstville
          Private Hospital.   Finally, Isabella Pecovnik (2015) has graduated
          from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of International
          and Global Studies.  Bella has now enrolled in Juris Doctorate
          (Law) at UTS.
          Nicola Darcy (formerly
          McMurdo, 2011)
          has recently been                                           Nathan Maskell (2014) continues to make great
          performing in The                                           strides in his cricketing goals having gained
          Camel, with the play’s                                      selection in 1  Grade for Northern Districts
          author Dylan Van                                            Cricket Club in the Sydney Premier Cricket
          Den Berg.  The Camel                                        Competition.  When at BMGS, Nathan opened
          is nominated for Best                                       the batting for our 1  X1 and was mentored by
          Ensemble and Best                                           MIC Cricket Mr. Stuart Collins.
          Theatre awards at the
          upcoming Fringe At                                          Nathan played Penrith District Cricket , then in
          The Edge of The World                                       England for six months, before joining Northern
          2020,  in Hobart,                                           Districts and being awarded The Rising Star
          in January.                                                 Award.   Off the field, Nathan is studying Exercise
                                                                      Physiology at Macquarie University.
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