Page 35 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 35

ALUMNI NEWS                                 | 35

        WELCOME BACK TO BMGS YEAR 12, 1999!

        Back row, l to r:   Mr. Greg Searl, Charles Fussell, Jillian Smith, Anne Worthington, Natalie Caldwell, Ben St. Lawrence,
        Aaron Graf, Matthew Shaw, Ryan Ratcliff, Christian Stokes, Mr. Ian Maynard (Headmaster).  Middle row, l to r:  Amanda
        Barnes (nee Keegel), Sarah Morris (nee Kell), Megan Goddard, Deanne Curry-Cole, Karen Dirs (nee Thomson), Penny
        Kent, Ashlea Valance.  Front row, l to r:  Emily Yates, Catharine Tierney (nee Darroch), Rowan Clarke, Colin Fragar.
        Also in attendance but not appearing above:  Elizabeth Clarke, Ms Kery O’Neill (past member of staff) and Mr. David
        Horwood (current member of Staff).
        In August, the Headmaster hosted the return of members of Year 12, 1999, who joined us to
        celebrate the significant milestone of the 20 year anniversary of their graduation from BMGS.

        It was a relaxed and happy evening, with time spent exploring the Archive display of their years,
        which revived many memories of past achievements and adventures.  We were delighted that past
        members of staff, Mr. Greg Searl and Ms Kery O’Neill could also join us on the night, together with
        current Science teacher, Mr. David Horwood.

        Those on our email list will be aware that the BMGS Foundation recently sought feedback
        regarding the way BMGS could best reconnect with members of our Alumni.  The overwhelming
        response from our Alumni indicated that ‘decade’ Reunions were the preferred option, therefore
        this year we will be hosting three separate Reunions, for those celebrating 10, 20 and 30 year
        milestones this year.   The Foundation is also keen to support further Reunions, therefore if you
        would like to bring your peers from a particular year Back to BMGS (e.g. 35 years), please contact
        Mrs. Marlene Plummer (Archivist) via or the School, on 4757 9000.

                                     uPcoMinG reunions

           Year 12, 2010                  Year 12, 1990                  Year 12, 2000

               10 Year Reunion                30 Year Reunion                20 Year Reunion
               Saturday, 30  May             Saturday, 8  August         Saturday, 19  September
                 Coorah Gallery                 Coorah Gallery                Coorah Gallery
             12:00pm for Luncheon            6:00pm for Dinner              6:00pm for Dinner
           $25 p.p. incl. all beverages   $25 p.p. incl. all beverages   $25 p.p. incl. all beverages
              Online bookings via            Online bookings via            Online bookings via
                 Event name:                    Event name:                    Event name:
          Alumni 2010 (10 Year Reunion)  Alumni 1990 (30 Year Reunion)  Alumni 2000 (20 Year Reunion)
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36