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consistent policy being followed in the society, issued appointment orders
videRoc.No.EB1/8/TTD ECCS/202,dt:13-09-2022.duly extending them scale of pay in
RPS-2015,subject to condition that they should not claim any consequential benefits; that
their appointment is purely temporary subject to outcome of various writ petitions and writ
appeals pending on the subject appointments.
The subject was placed before the Board of Directors and the Board vide
Res.No.564,dt:21-01-2023 ratified the action of the President in having appointed the four
At this juncture, the three Writ Appeals filed by the society are still pending in the
Hon’ble High Court of A.P. While so, the persons appointed on court directions were
extended several benefits on par with regular employees viz., regularization of services,
declaration of probation, entitlement of Earned Leave and other leaves, increments and
Revised Pay Scales, etc., duly mentioning that the benefits so extended are subject to
outcome of the court cases. Further, when one of the above persons named Sri S.
Ramakrishna, Assistant expired while in service, his spouse named Smt. K. Malathi was
provided job on compassionate grounds. During the year 1996, the society filed writ
petition as the society felt there was already excess staff in the society. Even, the persons
succeeded in the Writ Petition and aggrieved by the court orders, the society filed Writ
Appeals. But, several regular employees retired in the society and at present most of the
staff working in the society are respondents in the writ appeals and their services are
essential to the society at present. Most of the employees are working in the society for
more than a decade.
Hence, the subject is placed before the Board of Directors for favour of kind
information and for taking a decision whether to continue the subject court cases pending
in the Hon’ble High Court of A.P (or) to withdraw the Writ Appeals filed by the society,
since society itself extended several benefits to the above persons and treating them on
par with regular employees.
However, as per majority of opinions, resolved to take the subject to the General
Body for taking a decision.