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                      While so, Sri M. Gunasekhar Reddy filed W.P.No.30981/2011 in the Hon’ble H.C of
               A.P  against(1)  CC&RCS,  Hyderabad(2)  DCO,  Chittoor  (3)  Asst.Registrar-cum-Insp
               Officer, Tpt(4) TTD ECCS with prayer to direct the respondents to consider the case of the
               petitioner for appointment to the post of Junior Assistant in the existing vacancy as per the
               cadre strength of TTD ECCS vide Proc. Dt.2.7.2011.

                      Whereas,  the  writ  petition  was  disposed  on  12.12.2011  at  admission  stage  with
               directions to first respondent as below:

                    Having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case, I deem it appropriate
                    to  direct  the  first  respondent  to  consider  and  dispose  of  the  representation
                    dt.17.11.2007 filed by the Petitioner on merits and in accordance with law, within
                    a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of this order.  With the
                    above direction, the writ petition is disposed of at the stage of admission.  There
                    shall be no order as to costs.

                      As  per  above  Judgment,  the  1   respondent  i.e.  the  CC&RCS,  Hyderabad  was
               directed  to  consider  and  dispose  of  the  representation  dt.17.11.2007  of  the  petitioner
               within  6  weeks.    Accordingly,  the  CC&RCS  issued  above  proceedings  dt.7.5.2012
               ordering  that  the  requests  of  4  persons  (1)  A.  Sadasiva  Reddy  as  L.D.Typist
               (2)  M.  Gunasekhar  Reddy  (3)  A.  Chandra  Reddy  and  (4)  M.  Madhusudhan  Reddy  as
               Junior  Assistants  may  be  considered  and  reasoned  as  under  purely  on  humanitarian
               grounds and thus, the President / Manager of TTD ECCS is directed to take necessary
               action  and  appoint  the  above  four  individuals  for  the  above  posts,  keeping  in  view  the
               provisions  of  Sec.116(c)  of  APCS  Act-1964  and they  are  entitled  to  claim seniority  and
               monetary benefits from the date of joining in the posts.

                      Obeying  the  orders  of  the  Hon’ble  High  Court  of  AP,  the  CC&RCS  issued
               proceedings i.e. disposed of the representations of the petitioners, but the same was not
               implemented as not tenable by the Society in view of (i) already surplus staff available in
               the society (ii) insufficient workload prevailing in society (iii) excess financial commitment
               in terms of Sec.116(c).

                      In  the  meanwhile,  M.  Gunasekhar  Reddy,  A.  Chandra  Reddy,  M.  Madhusudhan
               Reddy, A. Sadasiva Reddy filed W.P.No.20223/2012 in the Hon’ble H.C of AP against the
               CC&RCS  /  TTD  ECCSseeking  directions  to  declare  the  action  of  TTD  ECCS  in  not
               appointing  the  petitioners  in  pursuance  of  Proc.  dt.7.5.2012  of  CC&RCS  as  illegal  and
               consequently direct the respondents to reinstate the petitioner into service w.e.f. 7.5.2012
               with all consequent benefits.The Hon’ble H.C of AP in its Order dt.5.7.2012 directed the
               respondents to show cause as to why in the circumstances set out in the petition and the
               affidavit filed therewith, this writ petition should not be admitted.The Society filed counter
               in W.P.No.20223/2012 and the writ petition is pending in the Hon’ble H.C of AP.Further,
               Sri  A.  Sadasiva  Reddy  filed  W.P.No.24243/2015  in  the  Hon’ble  H.C  of  AP  seeking
               appointment as L.D.Typist in TTD ECCS.

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