P. 126
When the above matter was placed, the Board of Directors in its meeting held on
14.12.1999 through Res.No.86 cancelled the above appointments vide
Proc.Roc.No.EB1/5/TTDEB/1996, dt.14.12.1996 as reported irregular.
Aggrieved by the cancellation orders, the 16 individuals filed W.P.No.27100/96 in
the Hon’ble High Court of AP against the (i) EO, TTD (ii) President (iii) V.P (iv) Dy.RCS(v)
N. Mohan Raoand obtained interim directions in WP.MP.No.33467 suspending the
cancellation orders pending disposal of the W.P.Whereas, the Society filed Vacation
petition vide W.V.M.P.No.392/1997 but the same was dismissed and the interim order was
made absolute. Further, the Society filed W.A.No.1116/1997 and the same was also
dismissed at the admission stage itself. The D.L.C.O / Dy.Registrar, Tpt has also filed a
counter affidavit in W.P.No.27100/1996 admitting that the cancellation order passed by the
President is as per the notice of the Registrar vide Rc.No.204/96, dt.12.12.1996.
Thereupon, the petitioners filed Contempt Case No.228/1997. Further, the
petitioners filed an application No.190/1997 in above Contempt Case seeking order
directing the respondent to permit the petitioners to attend to their duties pending
C.C.No.228/97. The Hon’ble Court issued interim orders as prayed for. Then, the Society
has filed a Counter on C.C.No.228/1997 against W.P.No.27100/96, wherein the Court
made the interim order absolute.
The Hon’ble H.C of AP vide its Order dt.6.6.2001 allowed the writ petition and made
following order.
“The writ petition is accordingly allowed with consequential direction to respondents
to re-appoint the petitioners. As the services of the petitioners were terminated within a
short period after their appointment, I feel that it is not a fit case to grant backwages. The
second respondent shall comply with the orders of this Court within 4 weeks from the date
of receipt of this order. There shall be no order as to costs.”
Aggrieved by the order of the Single Judge, the Society filed W.A.No.1738/2001
against EO / DyRCS& 16 others, requesting to set aside the order of the learned Single
Judge on 6.6.2001 in WP.No.27100/1996 of AP HC. The Hon’ble H.C on 15.7.2004 made
following Order:
“The RCS shall cause an enquiry into the availability of posts vis-à-vis the
recruitment made by the society and if the RCS finds that the recruitment is in conformity
with the directions issued by him with regard to filling up of vacancies, such of those
appointments which are in conformity shall not be disturbed. But however, if the RCS
finds that appointments do not confirm to the guidelines issued by him on 9.3.1992 or
subsequent dates, the same shall be cancelled to that extent. The RCS shall cause an
enquiry and pass appropriate orders within 4 months from the date of receipt of order.
The W.A with the above observations and directions is disposed of. No costs.”