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Ramakrishna (iii) W.A.No.786/2009 filed by TTD ECCS in W.P.No. 23457/2007 filed by M.
Muni Govindaiah& S. Lokanadham, and sought for stay of the Common Judgment
dt.17.3.2009 pending disposal of the Appeals, but though the Hon’ble Division Bench by
order dt.16.6.2009 admitted the Writ Appeals, had not granted any stay.
In the meanwhile, M. Muni Govindaiah& S. Lokanadham filed Contempt Case vide
C.C.No.94/2009 in W.P.No.23457/2007 for implementing the Common Order.
Further, the DLO, TTD in file EB1/10/1996 made following submissions.
Para(574) “Spoken to Sri Y.V. Ravi Prasad, Advocate on Record today (2.7.2009). Also
received a letter dt.1.7.2009 from Sri Y.V. Ravi Prasad, wherein he informed that
C.C.No.94 of 2009 filed by Sri M. Muni Govindaiah and another and the interim orders
passed in W.P.23457/2007 are still pending and that the Hon’ble Court is not inclined to
close the matter. He also further informed that as no interim orders are granted in W.As in
favour of TTD, the learned Single Judge, Hon’ble Sri Justice C.V. Ramulu is pressing for
implementation of the said orders within 3 weeks and report compliance. The aforesaid
orders are dt.22.6.2009 and that we have to take necessary steps for implementation of
the Common Order dt.17.3.09 subject to the final orders in W.As. Sri Y.V. Ravi Prasad
also informed about the subject matter earlier through his letter dt.18.6.09.
Para(575) On perusal of writ petitions pertaining to Common Order dt.17.3.09, the Hon’ble
High Court after due enquiry dismissed the W.P filed by the Society and allowed the other
two W.Ps.
Para(576) Accordingly, we have to implement the said orders subject to the result of the
W.As filed by the Society. Therefore, while implementing the Common Order of the
Hon’ble H.C in the aforesaid two writs, the appointment orders shall be given to the above
three petitioners Sri S. Ramakrishna, Sri M. Muni Govindaiah and Sri S. Lokanadham, in
the aforesaid two writ petitions dt.17.3.09 subject to the final orders in W.As.”
Basing on the legal opinion, the E.O, TTD (President of TTD ECCS) approved the
proposal and accordingly, three persons viz., Sri M. Muni Govindaiah, Sri S. Lokanadham
were appointed as Junior Asstsand Sri S. Ramakrishna was appointed as Assistant vide
Proc.Roc.No.EB1/10/TTDEB/96, dt.27.7.2009. Accordingly, all the three persons reported
for duty in TTD ECCS on 28.7.2009 and thus, the Hon'ble High Court closed the Contempt
Case since orders implemented.
Basing on the appointments provided to above three persons, the following four
persons filed individual writ petitions and obtained interim directions as below.
(1) G.R. Babu filed W.P.No.15685/2009 against the TTD ECCS / CC&RCS seeking
directions to 1st respondent to appoint the Petitioner as Asst in the Society w.e.f
6.6.2001 with all consequential benefits. The Hon’ble HC in its Order dt.4.8.2009 in
W.P.M.P.No.20601/2009 issued interim direction as prayed for.