P. 132
While the matter stood thus, the DLCO, Tpt in her letter Rc.No.1245/2012-C2,
dt.14.8.2019 requested the GM of Society to submit report on the action taken on
proceedings of the CC&RCS dt.7.5.2012. In the said letter, the DLCO quoted earlier
reminder letters dt.17.8.2012, 18.8.2014, 27.6.2015, 21.7.2017, 10.12.2015, 11.1.2016,
27.1.2016 and 20.4.2016 issued in this regard. In the meanwhile, Sri M. Gunasekhar
Reddy, Sri A. Sadasiva Reddy and Sri M. Madhusudhana Reddy had put in joint
representations several times requesting the Managing Committee of TTD ECCS Ltd.,
Tirupati to take them to duty by implementing orders of the Commissioner for Cooperation
& Registrar of Cooperative Societies issued vide Rc.No.25245/2004/PC-IV, dt.7.5.2012.
As the society had not given appointment orders to above persons,
Sri M. Gunasekhar Reddy, Sri A. Sadasiva Reddy and Sri M. Madhusudhana Reddy filed
W.P.No.426/2021 wherein the Hon’ble High Court of A.P had disposed the writ petition on
7.1.2021 at the admission stage with directions to the society to dispose of the
representation submitted by the petitioners on 6.7.2020 in accordance with law, within a
period of one month from the date of order. In pursuance of the directions of the Hon’ble
High Court of AP, the society examined the said representation in detail in accordance
with law & merits and rejected the request of the petitioners for taking them to duty as not
feasible and not tenable for sufficient reasons vide Speaking Order Roc.No.EB1/8/TTD
ECCS/2012, dt.25.11.2021
Even after issuing Speaking Order, the petitioners kept on submitting
representations to the society and as well Cooperative Department requesting to take
them to duty. The above persons met the President along with their family members and
prayed for providing them an opportunity to serve the society stating that they are
struggling for the past 25 years to maintain their family. They further stated that they got
grown children whose education and to get their children married. They further stated
that, out of 16 persons appointed during the year 1996, most of the persons are already
working in the society and requested to give them similar opportunity to serve the society.
As it was clearly mentioned in the orders given by the CC&RCS dt.7.5.2012 to
provide appointment to petitioners purely on humanitarian consideration, Smt. B.
Hemalatha, President re-examined the subject on humanitarian grounds and discussed
the subject with TTD Legal Department and fellow Directors of the society viz., Sri Cheerla
Kiran, Sri A. Munivenkata Reddy and Sri A. Vasu. During discussions, it was noticed that
over the period of time, several staff of society retired from service and thus, there are no
excess staff in the society; that the present Managing Committee is planning several
developmental works and introducing many welfare measures for the benefit of the
members and as such, there is sufficient workload to all the staff of the society and that
the financial position of the society also increased and the society is running in profits and
thus, with the consent of majority of M.C members, the President decided to settle the
long pending issue and to respect and obey the orders of the CC & RCS dt.7.5.2012 by
implementing it and to appoint (i) Sri M. Gunasekhar Reddy, S/o. Venkatrama Reddy,
GangireddyPalli (Village), R.C.Puram (Mandal), Chittoor District, (ii) Sri A. Sadasiva
Reddy, S/o. A. Krishna Reddy, Kothasanambatla (Village & Post), Chandragiri (Mandal),
Chittoor District, and (iii) Sri M. Madhusudhana Reddy,S/o. M. Munikrishna Reddy,
Mittapalem (Village), Chandragiri (Mandal), Chittoor District, as Junior Assistants in TTD
ECCS Ltd., Tirupati, purely under humanitarian grounds and accordingly, as per