P. 124


               Sub  No.12:–  (Providing  complimentary  gifts  to  members  of  the  society  during

               File No.EB1/53/TTD ECCS/2023.

                        The  TTD  ECCS  Ltd.,  Tirupati  was  established  in  the  year  1939,  for  meeting
               financial  needs  of  the  needy  TTD  employees  under  the  lines  of  Cooperative  Movement.
               The society was registered under A.P. Cooperative Societies Act, 1964.

                        As  per  Byelaw  No.6(j),  the  society  can  take  up  and  carry  out  various  welfare
               measures to the members.  For carrying out some welfare activities, provision was made in
               the byelaws of the society vide Byelaw No.40(6), as per which, 15% of balance of net profits
               shall  be  credited  to  the  Members  Welfare  Fund.    Apart  from  it,  1%  of  interest  amount
               charged on loans from members shall be credited to Members Welfare Fund for utilising the
               same for insurance coverage of loan sanctioned to members.

                        At present, as per Byelaw No.52(b), the society is honouring children of members
               who  excel  in  studies  and  similarly,  as  per  Byelaw  No.52(c),  the  society  is  honouring
               members / children of members who excel in sports & games, duly meeting the expenditure
               from the Members Welfare Fund.

                        During  the  F.Y  2023-2024,  an  amount  of  Rs.62,04,202/-is  available  in  Members
               Welfare  Fund  out  of  which,  only  Rs.54,53,987/-  was  spent  for  various  purposes  as  per
               provisions made in the byelaws and still an amount of Rs.7,50,215/- is available surplus as
               on 31-03-2023.Similarly, for the F.Y 2024-25, an amount of Rs..2.58 Crores is expected for
               Members Welfare Fund out of which, sufficient funds will be surplus even after spending for
               various purposes as per byelaws.

                        It is proposed to give complimentary gifts to members i.e. Crackers gift box worth
               Rs.500/-  and  Sweet  box  worth  Rs.300/-  to  each  member  (except  defaulters)  during
               Deepavali festival every year.  Similarly, proposed to give above complimentary gifts to TTD
               officials and Cooperative officials, etc., not exceeding 100 in number.  As on today, there
               are 6,276 members in the society and the estimated annual expenditure will be (Rs.800/- x
               6,276= Rs.50.20 lakhs).

                        As such, the subject is placed before the Board of Directors for taking a decision on
               the proposal on 08-02-2024, It is resolved to provide any gift not worth more than Rs.500/-
               to each existing member and TTD Officials, Cooperative officials, etc., not exceeding 100 in

                        Hence, the subject is placed before General Body for taking a decision on providing
               any  gift  not  worth  more  than  Rs.500/-  to  each  existing  member  and  TTD  Officials,
               Cooperative officials, etc., not exceeding 100 in number, once in a year during any festival
               occasion duly meeting the expenditure from Members Welfare Fund.

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