P. 119

b)     Subsistence  allowance:-    Employees  placed  under
                             suspension  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  50%  of  the  last  drawn
                             salary as subsistence allowance.  The suspended employee has
                             to  give  a  declaration  that  he  has  not  engaged  in  any  other
                             employment  on  a  month-to-month  basis  and  he  shall  also
                             furnish  the  address  for  communication  during  the  suspension
                             c)     If  a  direction  is  given  by  the  Society  U/s  59  of  Act,  the
                             competent authority shall initiate disciplinary action by following
                             the procedure and guidelines specified in these regulations.

                    7.  PROCEDURE  FOR  DISCIPLINARY  ACTION:    The  following
                    procedure shall be followed for initiating disciplinary action.

                   a)  The  employee  shall  be  issued  a  memo  in  writing  of  the  allegation
                      levelled  against  him,  providing  him  an  opportunity  to  submit  his
                      explanation within the prescribed time.  When the explanation offered
                      is not found satisfactory, he shall be served with a charge-sheet along
                      with statement of allegations indicating the gravity of the misconduct.
                      In case sufficient prima-facie evidence/material is available to proceed
                      against  the  employee  the  charge-sheet  may  also  be  issued  directly.
                      The  process  of  appointment  of  Enquiry  Officer  shall  necessarily  be
                      followed  in  respect  of  major  misconduct.    The  managing  Committee
                      shall  appoint  an  Enquiry  Officer  or  Enquiry  Committee.    During  the
                      enquiry  process,  the  employee  shall  be  permitted  to  verify  and  take
                      extracts form relevant records as required by him.  The Enquiry Officer
                      may however refuse such permission if in his opinion such records are
                      not  relevant  to  the  enquiry  by  recording  reasons  in  writing.    The
                      Enquiry  Officer  or  Enquiry  Committee  shall  submit  detailed  enquiry
                      report within a reasonable time i.e., within a period of 02 months.
                   b) No  penalty  shall  be  imposed  on  any  employee  unless  the  charge/
                      charges on which it is proposed to take disciplinary action against him/
                      her have been communicated to him/ her in writing and he/ she has
                      been given reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action
                      proposed to be taken against him/ her.
                   c)  An employee, against whom disciplinary action is proposed to be taken
                      for  gross  misconduct,  shall  be  given  a  charge  sheet  clearly  setting,
                      forth the circumstances appearing against him/ her and a date shall be
                      fixed  for  enquiry,  sufficient  time  for  his/  her  explanation  as  also  to
                      produce  any  evidence  in  his/  her  defence.  The  employee  shall  be
                      permitted to cross examine any witness, whose evidence is adduced to
                      prove the charge/  charges  and produce  evidence in defence. In case
                      any  charge  is  held  to  be  proved,  the  employee  shall  be  advised  in
                      writing of the nature  of  punishment proposed to be inflicted  on him/

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