P. 115

25) No  employee  shall  bring  or  attempt  to  bring  any  extraneous
                          influence  to  bear  upon  any  authority  for  the  furtherance  his/her
                      26) No  employee  of  a  co-operative  society  who  has  a  wife/husband
                          living,  shall  contract  another  marriage  and  polygamy  is  not
                      27) No  employee  shall  (i)  give  or  take  or  abet  in  giving  or  taking  of
                          dowry; or (ii) demand dowry either directly or indirectly, from the
                          parents or guardian of a bride or bridegroom.
                      28) No employee shall (i) while on duty, be under the influence of such
                          drinks  or  drugs  or  (ii)  appear  in  a  public  place  in  a  state  of
                          intoxication or (iii) consume such drinks or drugs in excess.
                      29) No  employee  or  any  member  of  his/her  family  shall,  except  with
                          prior permission, acquire or dispose of any immovable property (of
                          any  value)  /  movable  property  (worth  Rs.1.00  lakh  &  above)  by
                          exchange,  purchase,  sale,  gift  or  otherwise  either  by  himself  or
                          through  others.  While  seeking  permission,  an  employee  shall
                          submit  particulars  of  buyer,  seller,  details  of  property,  mode  of
                          acquisition, source of income, etc.

                      30) No  employee  shall  obtain  valid  Passport  without  obtaining  proper
                          No Objection Certificate from the General Manager of the Society.

                      31) No  employee  shall  leave  the  country  without  prior  permission  in
                          writing from the General Manager of the Society.
                      32) No employee shall have pecuniary transaction connected with the
                          Society  with  individuals  or  institutions  coming  into  contact  with
                          him/her in the course of his/her official duties or accept directly or
                          indirectly, on his/her own behalf or on behalf of any other person.

                      33) No  employee  shall  indulge  in  disorderly  or  indecent  behavior,
                          gambling,  drunkenness  or  riotous  or  betting  or  committing
                          nuisance within the premises of the society or other public place or
                          doing  anything  which  disturbs  or  dislocates  the  business  of  the

                      34) No  employee  shall  absent  from  his/her  duties  nor  leave  the
                          headquarters without permission from the  competent authority of
                          the society.

                      35) No  employee  shall  organize  or  attend  any  meeting  with  the
                          premises  of  the  Society  without  prior  permission  of  the  General
                          Manager of the Society.

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