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8) Diversion or withdrawal or recoveries without passing on to
9) Theft or attempt to commit theft.
10) Forgery or complicity.
11) Offences involving moral turpitude.
12) No employee shall cause or attempt to cause willful damage to the
property of the Society or of persons dealing with the society.
13) No employee should get convicted by any court of law for any
offence involved in moral turpitude.
14) No employee shall in the performance of his official duties, act in a
discourteous manner; in his official dealings with the public or
otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or willfully cause delay in disposal
of the work assigned to him.
15) No employee shall in the performance of his official duties act in a
discourteous and discriminate manner with any working women or
indulge in sexual harassment either directly or by implication.
16) No employee shall employ to work any child below the age of 14
17) No employee shall participate in any strike or demonstration or
similar activities or incitement thereto.
18) No employee shall (i) accept, or permit any member of his family to
accept from any person any gift, the receipt of which, or any
service the performance of which will place such employee under
any kind of official obligation or embarrassment in relation to any
person or (ii) receive any address or accept any felicitation or
entertainment held in his honour or (iii) stay in any Guest House
owned by a private person and enjoy his hospitality. However, an
employee may accept (a) gifts of flowers or fruits of trifling value
(b) gifts of a value of less than two hundred rupees from personal
friends presented to employee or to any member of his/her family
on ceremonial occasions such weddings.
19) No employee shall lend or borrow or deposit money as a principal or
agent, to, or from, or with any person or firm or private limited
company at interest or in manner whereby return in money or kind
is charged or paid and to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency.
However, an employee may give to, or accept from a relative or his
colleague or a personal friend a purely temporary loan of small
amount free of interest. However, this condition will not apply to
any transaction done with any nationalized bank or Cooperative