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and employer contribution shall be borne from Administrative &
Contingent Fund of the society.
3. VidyaPoshak:
(a) An employee is eligible for following amounts spent on
education of his/her children (limited to two children).
1 class to 5 class – Rs.2,000/-
6 class to 10 class – Rs.3,000/-
Intermediate & U.G courses – Rs.5,000/-
P.G & other professional courses – Rs.20,000/-
(b) The children of staff who excel in studies shall be rewarded
with 10 Gram Silver Dollar, Society Shield (TTD ECCS
Memento) and Appreciation Certificate who secure 9.2%
GPA & above in SSC / Intermediate and similarly 80% &
above marks in Professional courses i.e. P.G., B.Tech,
M.Tech, Medicine, etc.
The expenditure shall be met from the Administrative &
Contingent Fund of the society.
4. Merit Awards:
Meritorious staff to be rewarded suitably every year during
Cooperative Week celebrations held in November. The rewards will
be decided by the Board of Directors from time to time.
5. Other Welfare Measures:
a) Bonus or Ex-Gratia: The Bonus or Ex-Gratia may be paid to
the employees of the society, not exceeding Rs.14,000/-
(Rupees fourteen thousand), which shall be payable from the
Administrative & Contingent Fund with the prior approval of the
Managing Committee for particular year, in which the Society
earned net Profit and after allocation of amount to the
Administrative & Contingent Fund from such Net Profits by the
General Body of the Society.
b) Gold Dollar, Shawl, Laddu&Vada: A regular employee of the
society on his/her retirement shall be honoured with one Gold
Dollar (5 grams wt), one Shawl, one Big Laddu& one
Vadaprasadam (of Sri Tirumala Temple), by purchasing them
from Administrative & Contingent Fund of the society.