P. 107

2.  The travelling allowance and daily allowance shall be paid to the
                             Directors  of  the  Managing  Committee  and  employees  of  the
                             Society  for  the  journeys  performed  on  behalf  of  the  Society  or
                             relating to the affairs of the Society, on production of T.A. Bills in
                             full shape.
                          3.  The  employees  will  be  also  eligible  to  claim  the  reservation
                             charges paid by them for reserving berths or seats in the eligible
                             modes of transport.
                          4.  Absence of more than 12 hours will be treated as one day for the
                             purpose of Daily Allowance.
                          5.  A day for the purpose of the Daily Allowance (Halting Allowance)
                             shall be counted from two hours before the scheduled departure
                             of the concerned transport service from Headquarters and upto
                             two hours after actual arrival of the service to the Headquarters
                             on return from tour.
                          6.  Every  24  hours  or  part  thereof  exceeding  6  hours  shall  be
                             counted  as  a  day.  However,  an  employee  on  tour  from
                             Headquarter to a place of distance more than 100 Kms. may be
                             allowed to draw daily allowance equivalent to one eligible Daily
                             Halting  Allowance  provided  his/her  stay  from  Headquarter  is
                             more  than 12  hours  and 50  per  cent  of Daily Allowance if it  is
                             less than 12 hours.

                          7.  Daily  Allowance  may  be  drawn  for  holiday  occurring  during  a
                             tour but it will not be admissible during casual leave unless the
                             leave is necessitated by illness.
                          8.  Daily  allowance  shall  not  be  sanctioned  if  the  Boarding  and
                             Lodging  facility  is  extended  either  by  the  Society  or  any
                             institutions free of cost.
                          9.  Other T.A. & D.A rules and regulations not covered above shall
                             be followed as per A.P.T.A. Rules, if necessary

               (R)  Loans and advances to the employees:

                     It  shall  be  competent  to  the  Board  of  Directors  to  grant  Loans  /
               Advances, subject to the availability of funds to its regular employees, as per
               eligibility, on such terms and conditions as per State Government Rules / AP
               CS  Act,  1964  &  AP  CS  Rules,  as  amended  from  time  to  time  and  as  per
               scheme  approved  by  Registrar  of  Cooperative  Societies,  for  any  of  the
               following purpose.
                a)  Festival Advance: As eligible and specified in Revised Pay Scales(P.R.C)
                     issued  by  the  Govt.  of  AP,  from  time  to  time  and  approved  by  the
                     Cooperative Department.
                b)  Marriage  Loan:  Upto  Rs.1.00  lakh  to  Son  and  upto  Rs.2.00  lakhs  to
                     daughter limited to two children.

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