P. 105

11. Where an employee is transferred from one post to another in the
                          same society, he shall, during any interval of duty between the date
                          of  his  handing  over  charge  of  the  old  post,  and  the  date  of  his
                          taking over charge  of the new post, draw the salary of the old or
                          new post whichever is lower.

                     12. Fixation of pay on higher post – (i) The initial pay of an employee
                          on  appointment  to  higher  post  either  in  substantive  or  officiating
                          capacity shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay arrived at by
                          notionally  increasing  his  pay  in  respect  of  the  lower  post  by  one
                          increment at the stage at which such pay has accrued.

                          Provided  that  in  no  case  the  employee  shall  get  less  than  the
                          minimum of the higher post.

                   (O)  Provident Fund:

                          1.  If the Society attracts the provisions of the Provident Fund Act, it
                             shall establish provident fund for its regular employees.

                          2.  The  fund  shall  be  kept  in  a  separate  deposit  account  with  the
                             Regional Provident Fund Commissioner.

                          3.  As  per  the  Provident  Fund  Rules,  they  can  withdraw  their
                             provident fund amount, where the Society attracts the statutory
                             provisions  of  the  Provident  fund  Act,  the  deductions  and
                             installments should be made according to the said Act.

                   (P)  Gratuity:

                          1.  For every completed year of service, the regular employee of the
                             society is eligible to get 15 days of pay towards Gratuity, with a
                             maximum  of  Rs.8.00  lakhs,  if  he  has  attained  the  age  of
                             superannuation  or  has  been  declared  invalid  for  service  by  the
                             Civil Surgeon or has been retrenched or these while in service.
                          2.  With regard to termination or dismissal from service, no Gratuity
                             shall be paid.
                          3.  The  Managing  Committee  Shall  negotiate  with  the  Insurance
                             Company to adopt uniform Gratuity plan as per the provisions of
                             Central  /  State  Government  Act.,  for  all  the  employees  of  the

                          4.  The Managing Committee may facilitate the adoption of suitable
                             group Gratuity schemes of Insurance Companies by the Society.

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